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Everything posted by SalvaWHORE

  1. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    it's baby > Beg for u = New shapes >>>>>> good ones for me
  2. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    i get where u come from babe, but... i never attacked these twitter stans because of their sexuality, right? "the gays" is just how we referring to them every now & then since most of them are gay community. What do you think that makes twittwer stan culture? lmao, it's like "this is for the gays" sort of thing - it's just a way of saying. I attacked them because of their nasty words towards charli, not their sexuality AT ALL. dont twist it all up.
  3. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    correction: i'm not being nasty towards "gay people" as a whole so you dont start with that narrative - drive things away too far off the point right now - all i'm saying is i never liked some of them - who love being corny, shady, toxic towards the artists - espeically female artists. If you really get my point, some of these people are thinking because of them "being gay" they can get away with anything BY PULLING OUT THE GAY CARD - YES, even being misgogynistic towards a female. And by "some of them" - i mean MOSTLY from gay community, in her fandom. It's just the truth. So dont start with that narrative by twisting it up. i've been on some of them discord/private group chats and let me tell you gorl, they are really TOXIC & full of hate.
  4. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    and last but not least, call me coldhearted or out of my mind but hear me out: if it's on twitter these days, personally i dont feel bad for these "so-called" twitter stans if some of Charli's fans go attack them afterwards tbh. I mean, that is what people call "responsible" - you picked fights, you chose to act shady towards people, you get what you get. That's just the tea babe. dont take it personal, just put yourselves at her position - what would you do? taking a high road?
  5. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    and moreover: it's not homophobic to call out shady twinks who are so entitled that they think they can getaway with anything just because they're online and they can be a cunt for no reason.
  6. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    side bar: yes, LGBTQ+ community has always showed her massive support after SUCKER era. But the thing is: after her HYPERPOP era, in the fanbase HAS other kind of stans as well, LET'S BE REAL here babe. And most of them: annoying, corny, shady as can be - ENTITLED BRATS. as a bisexual person, i felt left out, excluded at some point by some people in gay community as well. Biphobia is also real babe. Most of them are even misogynistic towards female pop stars like charli
  7. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    gorl, u need to be on twitter more to see how mean these stans can get. It's not just simple as "okay here' s my opinion about your new single - i dont like it, it's not it charli" in a respectful manner. secondly, dont even try bringing "homophobia" into this lmao read the context babe.
  8. depop sells good stuff tho
  9. sounds delusional but let me be that hoe...
  10. or just us casually love being "masochists" lmao
  11. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    wait is Huck the boyfriend we've seen in her Claws video? i dont really pay attention to her private life that much.
  12. Fucked my way up to the top The theme of Tropico was an angel in the "land of gods & monster" which is LA - and imo this song is kinda related to the "dark side" of fame hence the theme of Paradise EP. She talks about sleeping her way to the top tho, satirically of course.
  13. i'm not excited about nikki lane collab but i dont hate it either, i'm always be like "the more the merrier" , so as long as it's more lana, then it's fine for me lol
  14. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    she clearly should, but i think she should be the one who puts these stans in their place. I'm sick and tired of their corny twink asses acting like they're on Rupaul Drag race and shady all the time but in fact, they look like a bunch of ignorants
  15. cause Lana saw everything we posted on Lanaboards?!
  16. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    u right bestie, unmanifested
  17. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    i'm surprised that Charli still hasnt evolved into Azealia Banks herself after going thru all this
  18. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    same here. You dont have to like everysingle thing she does for fuck sake i dont like good ones either, but at the same time, i respect her visionary. It's her art not ours, you can support it or just unsubscribe, dont pay for it. Or just simply being critical but respectful.
  19. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    it's understandable that u have that perspective, and u right, to behonest, that was rude & as a person with privileged position like Charli herself, it leaves a bad taste in anyone's mouth that she straight up calls someone a "cunt" i still dont condone it. but it's satisfying to watch these online trollers getting them ass fucked & i hope these stans learn by heart that dont mess with anyone online just because it's online and you get no concequence. If i was Charli herself, i dont think i cant take a high road at this point, i will hire someone to look for their IP address, come and fight them physically.
  20. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    lol, because they're bunch of assholes thinking that the only thing matter is how many Pitchfork will score her projects not her artistry.
  21. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    lol they are too busy fighting for their rights, they even exclude the "L" the "B", the "T" the "Q+" at some point in the community. and i swear, i've seen so many gay males being bunch of misogynistic assholes towards female popstars to the point that they dont even consider that is "misogynistic" no more. and these female popstars are always fighting for their rights. Just think about it.
  22. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    this is exactly my point. these stans these days love being "shady", to the point almost all of these twinks feel like they're superior, like they're on a drag race show, like they're rupaul or something. i dont condone this behavior of Charli BUT at the same time, someone has to tell them DIRECTLY to sit the fuck down for ONCE. Charli just unleashed her energy lmao, these brats had it coming.
  23. SalvaWHORE

    Charli XCX

    as devasting as it is but i understand why she came to this decision. she really needs a break. she deserves it. she is a successful, talented woman. she worked hard, built her career from nothing to a cult-following phenomenon. at some point in life, when you have it all, you just figure out how and when to feel enough & be content. I'm so proud of her & her legacy.
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