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Everything posted by electra

  2. Also I'm deaf on my right ear right now so I'm trying to clean it out so I can hear it as best as possible please send prayers my way
  3. An upbeat bop to help cure our depression before we turn into happy as motherfuckers for our mother
  4. Will the music video debut just after do you think??
  5. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 78 Buy The Stars 35 E.V.O.L. 49 Electra Heart 48
  6. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 79 Buy The Stars 34 E.V.O.L. 49 Electra Heart 48 Won't lie I didn't expect this either haha
  7. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 82 Buy The Stars 34 E.V.O.L. 48 Electra Heart 48
  8. People getting pissed off at us talking about leaked tour dates relevant to the era and not pissed off at us sending each other videos of mii's singing songs about choking on cum and wanting to die. Make your damn minds up.
  9. Won't lie y'all need to stop being dicks about having good convo in this thread. Sorry we all get along or whatever lmao. Idk who shit in your cheerios everytime you guys are like UGGU KEEP IT OUT THE THREAD. It's 300 pages and it ain't getting any smaller so
  10. There are now leaked NY tour dates???? July 15th???
  11. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 79 Sex Yeah 1 Buy The Stars 36 E.V.O.L. 48 Electra Heart 47
  12. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 78 Sex Yeah 3 Buy The Stars 36 E.V.O.L. 47 Electra Heart 47
  13. Why are people just starting to complain about lennon like we didn't know for fucking aaagggeeeesss
  14. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 78 Sex Yeah 5 Buy The Stars 35 E.V.O.L. 47 Electra Heart 46
  15. Ride 30 Gods and Monsters 60
  16. Cute profile af. One of the notable people on the site I actually remember and that's a lot coming from Queen goes in one ear and out the other.
  17. Anne-Dauphine just tweeted that she got sent new snippets of it gurl why can't I be lucky like that
  18. Homewrecker 108 Teen Idle 78 Sex Yeah 7 Buy The Stars 34 E.V.O.L. 46 Electra Heart 46
  19. Casually just writing and dropping a song in five minutes but not releasing an already recorded, produced and existing second single from her new album. If that's not the most lana del fucking rey thing you've ever seen
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