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Everything posted by electra

  1. for anyone wondering about european shipping, last time at the surf shop for like the first three or so days there was no european shipping, but when they began doing it people noted that it was quite expensive. i don't know if it'll be the same or if they've just decided to not do it this time.
  2. okay, so having done this a million times i'm prioritising accessories. i just checked out () and i bought all the hats, accessories, tank tops, shorts, dresses, totes etc. and i've not purchased any shirts or hoodies and if the shop is up long enough i'll go back and buy those. i've learned the hard way that shirts and hoodies will always be bought and resold - accessories not so much. so on the off chance this doesn't last i'm in a better position to pick up the pieces. the thing i'm struggling with the most with the surf shop is collecting the things that went on sale at a later date (the hats and FILLY merch). far less people seem to have bought those. i've learned my lesson but the next month now requires some serious budgeting i can always do it, i've done it so many times that it doesn't even phase me anymore, but fuck me why does she do merch drops with no notice??? hate edit: would also like to emphasise that i am not rich and had to change my overdraft agreement for this mess
  3. also, can we take a step back to say: BUDGET???? the 3D visualisations are so fucking sick! does anyone know what studio created this website? i am simply in love with the visualisations and the 3D. it's so stinking cute! however the apothecary is giving me a headache cause the lit candles look like a fire hazard so close to the underside of that shelf
  4. guys wee reminder that you'll get warning points for not speaking in english omfg thank fuck the shipping in the states in flatrate. if you order a shit ton of stuff it seems to go no higher than like $20, so i'm just gonna ship a bunch of things to my locker and then sort out the shipping later
  5. hi guys! i would like to request some privacy at this time.
  6. they sent out an email earlier saying it was ur last chance to pre-order the album, so there's probably an influx of sales from that.
  7. let's play a game called what will arrive first at this rate: shelby's cocc merch or shelby's violet merch you may be thinking: of course it'll be the violet merch she released half a year ago but you might just be wrong
  8. omg we really won it’s literally two seconds up the road we it’s under five minutes i’m so glad we don’t even need to go to town! preordered a copy from them to pick up and we’ll update you guys when we get them!
  10. why would they chose to give sales to sia of all artists rn
  11. get him a nice john lewis voucher or something else boomers like
  12. i'll send u my address in a dm and u can just send it there! i think u can purchase with a non-uk payment option and then just have it sent to a UK address and they won't cancel it normally, people use my address all the time for things and they always get them,
  13. so, it’s a sexism thing to you? or what? because a small sample of jack speaking in the background is silencing a woman but the female features on the album don’t silence lana? this isn’t a drag, i’m just genuinely confused. i don’t think collaboration is a negative thing and i think that these little quirks add more texture to the album. random example, but through their albums queens of the stone age often use one vocalist (josh homme) to sing the music. however, on their best critically received album and probably one of the greatest rock albums of all time (songs for the deaf) theres a huge contrast in the vocal presentation, delivery and choice of individuals per songs. it helps create breaks in the album and creates just the most beautiful contrast and flow (in the same way that lana’s own voice has a lot of contrasts in this album, plus the use of other artists features). if you don’t like jack or zella day or whoever that’s cool but it’s getting to the point where people are really beating a dead horse and acting like these people ruin the album when in reality lana obviously wanted them there for a reason.
  14. can we pls stop acting like she didn’t co-produce this entire album? if she didn’t want it in she would have removed it. she has more autonomy over her music than some of you give her credit for and it’s kind of rude.
  15. also this is dumb but thank fuck she didn’t mention a title bc i’m really over knowing titles far before anything is due to be released or confirmed
  16. what the fuck @Elle open the LDR8 pre-release immediately
  17. literally what do they expect him to do. all the comments are saying “he’s so unprofessional!!!” like this doesn’t happen every era. god i would hate to be an artists manger with all these fans that want to feel important in my DM’s trying to harass me for an answer on every little thing ???
  18. electra


    i’m begging of you please don’t take my man
  19. i got my CD dispatch too! omg this is so exciting i can’t wait to see the details
  20. i will! i can slide you some of the deets for the OP if you want? i recently raided the keds website for some info but there wasn’t a lot which is a shame
  21. i literally just got my HMV dispatch notice for the vinyl?
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