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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. I don't trust tik tok fans If BB end up having A$AP, I manifested it first
  2. Lana is extremely smart and people should stop underestimating her intelligence. She sometimes take dumb decisions, but who haven't?
  3. I was trying to fool myself thinking that Lana music would get better after L4L, but I don't see this happening. At least not for my taste. And honestly, I don't think that it's because of the sound (Jack is not so bad after all), but because of her stillness. I don't know how to translate it into words, but I'll try. Lana always contradicted herself and it showed in her art. It's not a coincidence that many people think that she glamorize abuse. Her old music always had a duality in feelings, thoughts, and intention. This confused a lot of people about her real message. I always loved the way that she told her stories. Ultraviolence (song+mv) for me it's her most artistic piece of work. She used to use the same technique as many writers, movie directors, and painters of putting something pure/holy/good with the evil/unsacrated/wrong. Now her duality is coming from her just watching (the political tracks on L4L), not knowing where to stand (without manifest any conflict of ideas on the songs. We just know that she's confused or unhappy with something, but she doesn't tell us why) and in actions. She says something and do the complete opposite. Like if you hear HBTB, 13 Beaches and the majority of COCC, you would think that she's tired of fame. But we know that she's always working and thinking about new projects, attracting unwanted attention (QFTC, the response for QFTC, "I Want Revenge", her feud with Ann Powers, she's always online...). There's nothing wrong with being confused or being tired of fame. But it wouldn't be nice hear her singing about what keeps her going? Talking about what's really upsetting her politically? And even talking about life... She's interested in a lot of cool things, but they rarely make it into her latest records. I will always love her, but her music it's not bringing anything worth it for me lately. I would sell my soul for her to write a track like that (she have a degree in philosophy, it's interest in witchcraft, life, meaning behind things. It's not a crazy thing to think about it):
  4. I think that the 1949 connection might be just because the song reference stairs and the color blue
  5. The way that I'm still getting Justin's ads and COCC was already forgotten...
  6. I'm already picturing a live concert in my head knowing that we'll never get
  7. But if they're hiring someone for this album, that would mean that it's not ready and being pressed 4th of July - The Fanfiction
  8. OMG! YESSSS I would love to hear more musical covers from her. Somewhere Over the Rainbow is a track that I have been waiting for ages for her to cover (it's never going to happen, but a girl can dream). I also would love to hear bigger/jazzy sounds like Bring On The Man, Stuff Like That There, Hit Me With a Hot Note, Roxy, I'm a Woman, Fever, I'm a Brass Band, I'd Rather Be Blue Over You...
  9. I'm starting to think that the Blue Banister cover is cute
  10. Honorable Original Neat Elegant Youthful Magnetic Outstanding Opulent Nice
  11. Yes. I got so happy thinking that she posted another snippet, but when I opened it was a video from 2 days ago
  12. At this point, I can only manifest interesting instrumentals. In the snippet I could see that the Mazzy Star energy is not happening, the lyrics are cringe and without pretty words, she's not using her lower register... But I'm considering that we won, because the MV seems to have a story behind it and it's well made My comparison might be totally crazy and out of reality, but I'm getting Adele vibes from the snippet
  13. Imagine an acapella track like Run Motorcycle That's the only stripped down kind of song that I'm accepting
  14. At least we had the confirmation that her and Clay are still together
  15. I hope that someone posts the live stream. I still can't believe that I missed it
  16. I can't believe that I slept for a few minutes and this happened
  17. Since I'm bored and this thread exists... Barrie posted this on his FB in 2019: If he believes in it and was with her when her career started, I don't think that she would have any involvement with it. At least not when they were together
  18. I finally came with a theory about why there are green shadows in the b, b, and s. She's saying to us: Bitches be sweet, because she knows that the cover sucks and didn't want us to attack her post. We failed her
  19. It's so weird hearing about pregnancy rumors because none of my stans have kids and most of them are single, so thinking about Lana with kids is such a foreign concept to me. I'm still mentally preparing myself for her marriage and you're already thinking of her offspring
  20. I never heard anything from June Carter and Patsy Cline (I'm not a country fan). I'm going to check out for this era ❤ Edit: I started to listen and I actually know Patsy's Cline songs. I just didn't knew it was country and who was singing it
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