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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. I don't trust Lana. I don't trust insiders. Romantic Ballads Vol. 3 is coming
  2. 13 Beaches National Anthem Music to Watch Boys To Money, Power and Glory BBM Baby I'm alone and greedy
  3. I thought that she was gonna post something today... At least we're having the calm before the storm
  4. Intro - Cruel World, Salvatore and 13 Beaches Outro - High by the Beach, Heroin and Get Free
  5. I love Orange Trees Why everybody hates it?
  6. Dark Paradise When Lana came out with VG, BJ and later SS and BTD, I didn't like it and never searched further. In December of 2012, I saw an edit with DP and became obsessed with the song. Only later in 2013 that I really paid attention to Lana and her discography
  7. I don't see any problem with wanting back old sounds. This happened with Metallica. They changed their original sound only to later get back and stronger. We don't have to act like every record from an artist that we like is a masterpiece
  8. That she was a gemini with taurus ascendant
  9. I don't have idea. The last time that Rob posted something about her, I think that it was in December of 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6bgQt8lbBO/?igshid=7qjibkakblbk It's most likely that they're still together than the opposite: a) 2020 was a slow year for a lot of people b) who take pictures of him? He doesn't seem too skilled in technology to do it by himself (I'm talking about this kind of pictures: https://www.instagram.com/p/CCwpW2BDBYL/?igshid=5oze13gzyxbj )
  10. Florida... Will she and Patty leave their differences aside?
  11. Saw this circulating on FB: https://imgur.com/gallery/ZgrWOnI Why it's always the Tik Tok kids???
  12. Mine is Florence and the Machine and The Pretty Reckless And if it wasn't for X&Y (the song), I would forget about Coldplay too
  13. WOC deal every day with the misconception that they're stronger than WASPs. When she decided to name drop, she chose to perpetuate this same line of thinking and liking or not, her fans absorb it and projects it in the real world. When she posted it, I thought that she was a 100% right. But when time passed and I could reflect on it, I saw that she was wrong on many premises.
  14. Why people would be offended by this picture? Isn't the guy still alive? It's just art
  15. People had the right to be offended and Lana should have said sorry for dropping names
  16. I don't think that anyone would care. It's just a picture, isn't it?
  17. Recently I started to get into Current 93 work and it's experimental/psychedelic folk. I can totally envision Lana doing an album like The Inmost Light if she wanted to. The whispers and instrumentals would completely fit her lyrics, voice and atmosphere Folk can be so interesting if don't follow the easiest route
  18. Manifesting a Lana post today instead of mother's day
  19. Why marinaboards died? I tried to search back last year, but couldn't find it
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