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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. People who look conservative christian and hippie at the same time lowkey scary me
  2. I read lanaboards for years, but never made an account because everything seemed stressful. I was right. A round of applause to everyone that is here since 2012/2014 You are warriors
  3. BluebirdXO


    Any teas on the new album?
  4. You're in the wind, I'm in the water Nobody's son, nobody's daughter Watching the chemtrails over the country club Suburbia, Barbara Road Market What to do next? Baby, we'll love it Those are literally my favorite lyrics from the whole album. It's like having my soul transported to another place
  5. There is no album. This is just a big social experiment in the fandom culture. On July 4th, BB will show up in the streaming services and when we play it, it will be one hour and 40 minutes of silence. Her revenge will be never singing again. The media can't criticize what doesn't exist. This act will enter in history books and the results will be studied for years
  6. Who's Azealia's and Lady Gaga producer? At this point I'm thinking that she will work with the producer from every singer that she had a beef with: Lorde - Jack Antonoff Kanye - Mike Dean Gaga - ??? Azealia - ???
  7. You forgot to add working in a native reservation and with homeless outreach, drugs and alcohol rehabilitation. She's the most omnipresent being that I've heard of Lana is a Goddess confirmed
  8. Now someone claiming that she was in a gang: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZSJDRXWWq/ I really hope that this is a joke and it won't be repeated by anyone else. Some people are already believing that she was sent to rehab at age 14 instead of Kent
  9. Lana was really unhappy, suffering and struggling in her Lizzy Grant days? I downloaded tik tok again because I was bored and it showed up a cute clip of the trailer park interview and a lot of people were asking the person who posted to erase it. They kept saying how she was severely depressed at the time, dealing with substance and sexual abuse, poverty, prostitution and abusive relationships. I knew it wasn't a sea of roses, but it was really all that bad? * For me poverty is really being poor. Lana chose to live a simpler life. If things didn't work out, she could always ask for the help of her parents or siblings. ** I always felt that the trailer park thing was overrated. She also spent time at her boyfriend's house and if I'm not mistaken she also mentioned couch surfing at her friend's house. Living in a trailer during your 20's is not the end of the world. Especially if you choose it *** Drugs are a sensitive topic, but I don't think she was a crackhead. She was sober and clean enough to babysit. I don't think that a lot of parents would trust their kids to someone that was over the knees with substance abuse. My friends do drugs and they're able to live a happy functional life. A lot of people are too
  10. People actually take seriously what we say here??? I thought that everyone knew it was fanfiction and that Lana could never have our creative outlet. Like, what's the possibility of Lana releasing a Catholic Psychedelic Synth Folk record? But exploring possibilities never hurt...
  11. BluebirdXO


    Thank you @Dominikx4 for remind me of Birdy's existence I'm on track 4 of Young Heart and I already want to listen to all the tracks again. The instrumentals are so heavenly
  12. It's been year's since I don't listen to her music. Streaming it now ❤
  13. 1 - Honeymoon photoshoot is gorgeous 2 - I don't like Thunder, FILY/TG MV and HIADT 3 - I like HIAB 4 - DLMBM and DT are my favorite covers from her 5 - Neil Krug is overestimated 6 - I think that 2011 till 2015 Lana was a little bit influenced by Barrie 7 - Lana can be quite manipulative sometimes (unconsciously)
  14. Honestly, I'm done with theories. From now on I'll believe that it's a calm album with tons of bittersweet songs about her relationships, family, friends, fame and expectations. If it turns out to be different, I'll know on the release day
  15. What a beautiful day to announce a pre-order...
  16. Her best look in ages She looks so sweet and light spirited in those pics
  17. The possibility of a gospel record already showed 3 times in this thread. I hope none of you are manifesting this
  18. Christmas What's your favorite nail polish color?
  19. After all this, should we loose our hopes for a LFL 2.0 or not?
  20. It's a hare Krishna/lsd album like Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band from The Beatles We won
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