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Everything posted by BluebirdXO

  1. I'm so happy to not be the only one ❤❤❤ .
  2. I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion: I hate Love. I hate her voice in it, the words, melodies, the vibe... It puts me in an agitated mindset that it's the opposite of what I feel when I listen to her other songs. I can't even listen to the demo. The instrumental is more bearable, but as soon as she starts singing, I want it to stop
  3. She should bring back her early homemade videos for Tulsa Jesus Freak. Imagine clips of Lana mixed with the ones in this background:
  4. Who's gonna tell her that we did not need this information???
  5. I think that there's a huge difference between changing toxic traits and changing who you are. Most of people mix those two and go after an unrealistic version of themselves and end up being hurt, depressed or bored. Lana probably mixed those two and just now realized that she doesn't have to fully change herself to be happy
  6. A reworked version of Making Out would be iconic
  7. And also: “Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean that it’s nonsense.”
  8. I think this album will be political. Maybe she will talk about the riots, police brutality and how domestic violence had grown during the pandemic I just hope she had said Jack goodbye
  9. "Bravery often demands a price." - Lemony Snicket
  10. The second story was so cute. And the third was something...
  11. For me it's kinda cringe. But I would love to see that song became a movie. It would be like Skins - Boarding School Edition Thinking about it and the movie would suck. Why did I thought that it would be a good idea???
  12. No, but I'm living (just for the drama because that song is hideous)
  13. I had the same problem today. Elle told me to clean my cache and cookies and it worked
  14. I played the 2nd song while I was distracted and I thought it was Lana
  15. Ok this might sound crazy, but anyone gets Selena Gomez meets Arabian Nights in DBJAG? I can also see a half-shade room (candle light, red, yellow and orange/maybe blue?/ tones) and a snake going up in the second part of the song Maybe I'm just nuts
  16. My order arrived today and I finished my first reading. This book is so beautiful and thoughtful. You can really feel that she put her heart into it. My only complain is that I wish it was longer. I kept reading the same page over and over again to create the illusion that it had more poems. I'm looking forward to read it tomorrow with a new perspective
  17. I wouldn't be so sure about that if I were you...
  18. This will always be my favorite album. I could listen in a daily basis and never get bored
  19. After her "I want revenge" story is almost impossible. The Grammys are too politically correct for that
  20. I already convinced myself that this is going to be a country or piano ballads album. I'm not joining delulu team this time
  21. I want it too, but we all know that this would never happen Love Dealer?
  22. Many artists quit fillers and their faces looks so much better now. And It's not like it's going to be extremely loose. If you quit while you're young, you have more chances to not have a saggy face than if you quit later in life https://www.ellecanada.com/beauty/skincare/what-happens-to-your-face-when-you-stop-getting-fillers
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