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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Ty sm for the recommendation ! <3 i’ve never heard of them before but i really like the song
  2. Omg you are the best, ty !! <33 I can’t believe we thought of the same artist
  3. Can you guys recommend any indie french artists? I need to practise my french and music seems to me as a fun way to learn a language better ty in advance <3
  4. People walking slowly and then stopping unexpectedly in front of me when I am in a hurry
  5. West Coast is a ten , the song has no flaw .
  6. I really wanted to start reading more so this might actually help me
  7. For a moment i thought they announced a collab i would buy that case so fast
  8. this is an example of why we love her sm
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