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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Nothing is really happening and the 22nd of October seems so far away atm
  2. So I reallyyyy liked the album and I think that it is a great debut I didn't listen to the album when it was initially released because I waited for my vinyl to come ( my friend brought it to me from the UK ) . A thing that i missed from my favorite artists is guitar infused songs so they didn't disappoint to say the least, full of bangers ( esp the closer ! what a masterpiece . When it breaks remains one of my favorites ) Hope you make it and find tickets !! I was ready to post on your profile because I didn't see you online in LB very often during the summer, hope you are well Oh i am sorry to hear that you might not be able to go , i would love to go but i haven't got anyone to go with especially in Dublin
  3. I didn't even know the existence of this website and i used to have a tumblr account . Are these rumors really true? rip grammar
  4. The thing that i love most about Lana is her versatility . She is able to have such a big catalogue and do many genres at the same time. I don’t think that every song she makes has to have a deeper meaning lyrically . That’s why i appreciate and really like LFL because it has some songs that you can really vibe to and songs that are more intricate and thought-provoking . I also really enjoyed the interlude because it reminded me that Lana can do different styles simultaneously something that i’ve missed seeing from her . I am really excited to see if she has more surprises for us in BB
  5. The possibility of her not wanting to have some sort of connection with her fans or that she hates the majority of her fanbase makes me really sad . I hope she returns after her break when she feels better
  6. wow i really liked the first song you listed ! I'm definitely going to listen to more of their songs
  7. It’s always so exciting to see what she is wearing but I doubt she will attend ..
  8. I couldn’t sleep at night and had a mini panic attack and then i saw the video .. the day didn’t start on a good note to say the least I just hope it’s for the best
  9. I reallyyy liked the song and the instrumentation ( esp the choice of including strings ) but my problem as well is the delivery of some of the lines vocally after listening to the song many times . Maybe the stylistic choice of vocals is my main issue because i have a soft spot for her deeper vocals but idk A beautiful song nonetheless
  10. Dealer deserves all the love Imagine the screaming accompanied by an electric guitar solo
  11. Tbh I still believe that artistically Barrie and Lana are great match . I can't wait to listen to the new track it sounds really promising and I would love to see them work together in the future ( if they are in good terms ofc ) .
  12. I got a little bit emotional seeing Barrie’s polaroid for some reason . Such a full circle moment
  13. UGH STRINGS FINALLY FINALLY Now all i need is an electric guitar solo
  14. Guys i gave in and listened to dealer i couldn’t contain myself , i feel guilty i have to say
  15. It’s so difficult to abstain from listening i am really excited for if you lie down with me after hearing it’s from the uv period
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