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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. exactly we must be VICTORIOUS TODAY in one way or another
  2. I am trying not to think about that outcome but it’s a possible scenario the only thing that gives me hope is the lmlylaw situation
  3. me too, the listening experience is superior on the radio
  4. I love it here and i love our chaotic energy tomorrow is going to be amazing
  5. YES I’ve been waiting for an electric guitar moment
  6. Tbh this was the first song i listened to when LFL came out and it still remains one of my favorite summer anthems
  7. Same i have to study and i can't concentrate at all
  8. i mean i'll believe anything at this point and i think she is just trolling everyone with her choice of the cover art text book is the cutest
  9. Come on it’s part of the fun of the pre-release era
  10. I still can't believe it is really happening how many hours do we have left? Because i literally cannot contain my excitement
  11. You guys i wasn’t online for an hour and i missed all the exciting news ! 3 singles with mike producing one of them ??? i can’t wait
  12. Especially with an abundance of bad b*tch vibes
  13. For real i thought that the news he was teasing for so long would be more exciting ( if this is actually what boz meant and not something else )
  14. Beef between forums? We are definitely superior I mean we even have different themes for different eras
  15. I totally agree i hope he delivers the same energy in the song making
  16. we need a thread in LB where it’s just videos of him smoking
  17. Now the only thing we can do is wait for the day she decides to update us on the album
  18. i hope that their result together is revolutionary why? aren't pisces trustworthy ?
  19. Yeeeees it will be our summer album not like some other artists who delay their albums
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