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Deadly Nightshade

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Everything posted by Deadly Nightshade

  1. Oh and she just gave us nothing album related
  2. Another day of me believing everything i see on the internet hoping it’s info about the album
  3. Is Broken heart debutante a title for a song ? I am a little bit lost
  4. The first one was video games but at the time i was young and I only listened to whatever the radio played . After listening to SS, Young and beautiful and BTD I fell in love . I thought that she was so unique and ahead of her time and I loved the vintage and cinematic feel her music had . I remember showing the video clip of BtD to my mum because I was so mesmerized by her music and visuals that I wanted to share it with her and she loved her as well. After listening to more of her music at the time my favorite song became OTTR . I think that it’s truly one of the best in her discography still to this day along with VG . Around 2014 when UV was released and I got more into music, searching artists on my own , I listened to the whole album and that was the exact moment it dawned on me that she was truly a music genius. Finding out about her unreleased music only magnified my love and admiration for her as an artist and a person.
  5. I've always wondered about that as well. Especially when some producers challenged her more than others or maybe these are just some of the rumors surrounding the production and not the exact truth
  6. The new song is so beautiful ! I love that it starts with being more upbeat and then in the second half changing completely its direction
  7. Whaaaaat new music i have to mentally prepare
  8. I want the exact energy she had when she took the blue popsicle pic . I want something spicy , badass and caustic
  9. I bet he is going to ignore most of the Lana-related questions
  10. I would love that direction I just want an element that will really spice up the sound of the album and differentiate it from the rest of her discography
  11. That would be magical i really want to relive all of my early teen memories now that i am older
  12. Him saying that we shouldn’t be negative about this release is even more suspicious does he mean that we might not like it ?
  13. Him saying that the direction of sound is something totally different seems like a very bold statement to me we definitely need more information
  14. this whole conversation of him denying all these genres made me even more nervous
  15. I hope that this cryptic message of his means that she isn't going full country
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