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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 17 hours ago, Embach said:

    She's going to sing and host the SNL on May 4! Can't wait!


    this is such a great year for pop music, especially if youre a fag. Lana, beyonce, billie, taylor... everyone important is releasing a new album

  2. 18 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

    Illusion is nice! 

    but when does appreciation become a straight out copy?? 

    I know she has referred to Kylie Minogue as an inspiration multiple times, but the similarities are too much to count 


    first, the song sounds like a Kylie outtake (not mad about that) 


    it’s called Illusion and it’s the 7th song, same as a Kylie song by the same name in the Aphrodite album 


    the music video is a mix between Slow and All The Lovers… too much coincidences 


    However, all the twinks on twitter comparing it to Mileys ESV cover are truly delusional or don’t know their history… Madonna did that during Erotica era in the 90s… but I will say, that was a choice considering their beef over the Prisoner streams! She knew the girls on twitter would be fighting 


    anyways, love the song, the best of the bunch for me so far :bop: love a summer BOP


    Glad you love it. To me, it's almost like a Dua Lipa song created by AI.


    Sounds like any other song on the radio right now, very manufactured.  The other songs had a more unique touch and Keven Parker's influence was obvious. 


    But I still think that this album is going to be a really fun listen, and great for gymming.

  3. 6 hours ago, Quincy said:


    Here’s the thing, as much as some of us sometimes want her to be more mainstream or feel that she is more mainstream than she gets credit for - at the end of the day, she’s herself. She’ll do and sing whatever the F she wants. 

    People respect that. It’s as if she’s gaining mainstream popularity, precisely for the fact that she’s not mainstream. She doesn’t follow the “norms” and expectations. She can write a record like Ocean Boulevard, fill it with the dreamy, laidback vocals of The Grants and Paris, Texas, but still hit you with an A&W or Peppers when you least expect it. 


    From what I’ve seen over the past year or so, and arguably the past few years if you include Chemtrails and Banisters, she’s in a different era. She’s not going to give anyone a Coachella-esque setlist, not even Coachella. 


    She’s not going to be forever young and the pacing has slowed down. The h@ting on the setlists is growing old. The board seemed to almost unanimously loathe her setlist from last year. She adds 3-4 new songs and it’s still “bad.” Yet we all keep coming back and the critical reviews from her performance last night seem to be almost universally positive. 

    It is possible for two things to be true at the same time. We can accept that the playlist is slower paced, her vocals are more subdued, the performance may drag in comparison to other popular artists. But, speaking of art, it is also true that her elegance and beauty are as strong as ever. 

    The problem with celebrities is everyone has an idealized, sometimes unrealistic expectation. We can try to mold a perfect Lana performance in our head, but at the end of the day, she’s going to do whatever tf she wants. 

    Is her setlist decision based on comfort? Familiarity? The new era she’s in? It’s irrelevant to me. I’m just thankful that she’s out here giving us art on a regular basis. 2024 has certainly been an active year for her. Things are going to continue to get crazy, for a long, long time. Even if it’s not always in the exact way that some of her fans want. 

    I’d argue that part of her charm is that she does what she wants. Not what others want her to do or what others think she should be doing. 



    I hear you. But about this: "We can try to mold a perfect Lana performance in our head, but at the end of the day, she’s going to do whatever tf she wants. "


    The issue is we've all seen "perfect performances" from her many times, and we know she can do it. She sang at Glastonbury 10 years ago and she was great.


    An artist should move forward, after 10+ years in the business. So, obviously, if she renders a weird setlist with shaky vocals, people will be disappointed. Sure, she can do whatever the f she wants. But it's hard to go "WOW!" about a performance like this when Beyonce, Gaga, Lipa and others are putting on EPIC shows that tear the house down left and right with vocals that are out of this world good.


    She was lovely and herself and beautiful, and we still love her. It's like watching a shy poet perform. But, technically,  for the price of these tickets, the show should have been better. Like I said before, when I saw her life during NFR, that miles better vocally, setlist- and choreo- wise, and that was 5 years ago. So, why is she regressing as a performer? 


    That is the beef The Guardian and others had with it. And it's not like she's universally praised for this.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Crazy Husband Thief said:

    To be honest all of the following need to be cut and replaced:

    - Bartender

    - Pretty When You Cry

    - Cherry

    - Hope

    - The Grants

    - Arcadia

    - Candy Necklaces

    - Born To Die



    - Say Yes To Heaven

    - Radio

    - Peppers

    - Let The Light In

    - White Dress

    - Fishtail

    - Taco Truck x VB

    - Brooklyn Baby




    I second this. I would never cut Cherry and Born to Die as people love these. But Arcadia, CN, Pretty .Hope, The Grants and Bartender need to go. How many times has she performed Pretty lying on her back at this point - 700?


    My choice for the replacement woulda been any of these:




    The greatest

    Let the Light In

    High by the Beach (the old choreo was great)

    Off to the Races


    Blue Jeans

    National Anthem

    Taco Truck x VB


    Summer Bummer 

    Serial Killer



  5. 5 hours ago, keps2013 said:

    need everything to be stylized in all caps..

    Lana Del Rey - LASSO

    1. RODEO


    3. LASSO



    Im requesting short one & two word titles too !!




    I like that. Again, it's something different.


    Capsl,  interludes ala Cowboy Carter, upbeat songs. One can only hope.

  6. 1 hour ago, violettiaras said:

    He nust have had to cancel last minute, thats why she was whispering to Jon and probably why they improvised for a few minutes after Candy necklace. So heartbroken i wanted FJM so bad, but the freestyle was the highlight to me so…



    If FJM had been there, it would have elevated the whole thing massively. A more upbeat song, a duet, and third solid guest.  Having two guests was lackluster. 


    Hope he makes it next week. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Make me your Dream Life said:

    Entrance - jealous girl, motorcycles check. 
    ss, west coast, DT, cherry - check. 
    even pwyc, the floor moment. 
    guest appearances, check. 
    hologram moment, check. 
    young and beautiful, even if there were issues, the moment was just made to be this ethereal thing, check. 

    for me, I think the moment somewhere in between the grants and ocean blvd, kinda made things feel a bit stagnant, which. it's ok, but I really love those songs, I don't think it translated as well live. 

    Jack just kinda being there with the hologram was like a, huh? moment. 
    it was shaky w Jon Batiste, bc I think people didn't know who he was?

    I think if they've gotten more footing, and let some songs kinda simmer and take their time, they should be ok. 
    also, change the sound system cus what the hell was that at some parts if not most? 



    The Batiste thing was awkward af. First, the stage and the crowd were already dead silent before he walked in and you could hear a pin drop. Then she introduces him and, like, few people know who she is. Of course, Lana being super shy, doesn't really ease him nor the audience into it.


     Then they sing a slow song that nobody knows about feeling suicidal. :facepalm:


    It's like bringing a friend to a birthday party who still has bandages on his wrists from their last wrist-slashing attempt. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, plastiscguy said:

    I'm kinda confused, Lana clearly loves to have fun. She loves fun music, yet always chooses to sing slow songs and constantly think everyone hates her upbeat tracks... :bebe:


    I would understand if she only felt comfortable doing slower songs, but then again, there are many fan favorite ballads she pays dust. Is she that oblivious, or deliberately chooses to do the complete opposite of what the public wants?


    There are so many easy songs she could do, but she chooses not to. She could rely on the backing track and not even be bothered to lift a finger, let the crowd sing and the band do their magic, but no... :eartha2:


    I was thinking about this at the gym just now. The only way I can justify her setlist was if she was going for an outright ANTI-POP statement.


    Like, "I'm Lana Del Rey, I'm going to the best festival in America, and I'm going to bore everyone to death with obscure, slow songs that no one's ever heard of - just because I can. I'm going to prove to the world that real art doesn't need to be neither ubpeat nor familiar. And my dancers and I are going to shake our booties and dance on a strip pole to delicate piano. Take that, America."



  9. 38 minutes ago, Edgartur0 said:

    I just think that if she's going to do so many ballads the least she can do is sing them 


    to skip the biggest hit among her ballads (SYTH) since, like, Lust for Life feat. The Weeknd was criminal. And it's such an easy song to play, too.


    The crowd woulda been lapping it up. 

    But bartender at coachella? Really? Ugh makes me so confused. Surely, the set list should be tailored to the paying audience, not according to what the artist likes to sing in the shower.

  10. 4 minutes ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    the guardian is a fucking newspaper though not an actual musically relevant anything. their journalists are built for writing pieces on politics not the arts :bored:


    I agree generally. The Guardian is SHIT when it comes to music. Their head critic, Alex Petrades or whatever his name is, is ragingly incompetent. If your read his album reviews carefully, you realize he doesn't know the difference between, say, Bollywood and Afro pop. 


    That being said, this particular review was on point. I saw Lana live during her NFR tour, and this didn't even come close when it should have been her best performance ever.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Fireffie said:

    But she also sang Summertime Sadness, Video Games, Young and Beautiful, Ride and the crowd was quieter than usual :smh:. idk about the US but in Europe these were huge hits and sometimes they still play them in radios. I just think she deserved a better crowd (like South American ones) 


    It's a huuuuuge crowd. HUGE ...  Many of those people don't know any of those songs. Most of those hits are 10 years old, for a start. 


    For me, her confidence was severely lacking. To get the crowd on your side, you can't come across as timid. Which is why Billie was the highlight. She commanded the room, sang loudly, and the crowd ate it up.


    I'm a huge Lana fan, obviously, but we can't blame this on the crowd. From the setlist to the presentation, she bombed imo. Great entrance though.

  12. 11 hours ago, TRENCH said:


    that sucks, I’ve been playing Houdini nonstop since release and was hopeful of a good comeback but this whole era has felt so… flat and noneventful. If you’re going to get into the Tame Impala vibes, go all the way, don’t mayo it for the GP that thinks ketchup is spicy. 

    I don’t think the movie gigs should’ve been a priority yet. 

    Just listened to connfusion. Nice perfume ad, wow horrible chorus! 



    did you mean "illusion"? 😂😂😂


    for a sec, i thought she dropped another single.

  13. On 4/12/2024 at 12:22 PM, Coney Island King said:

    This album feels very lazy so far. It’s just her last album but boring. 
    I like Houdini, but these last 2 singles have been very very mid.


    Honestly she’s gonna end up as a one album wonder if she keeps churning out these tracks that sound like left overs from 2 years ago. 


    Disagree. Will the new single works better as a video (I don't even remember the melody of the song), the past two singles were some of her best, courtesy of Kevin Parker.


    i still have high hopes for the record.

  14. 3 minutes ago, how the light shines in said:

    what universe have we awoken to oh my goddddd



     "Lines from her 2012 song “Jealous Girl” played from the speakers — “Baby, I’m a gangster too/And it takes two to tango” — before she took the stage in a sparkling baby blue dress"



    "Baby I'm a gangster" entrance only to open a set made entirely out of ballads that make you feel like sitting on the sofa feeling super suicidal. When she sang that line, I almost bust out laughing. 


    Okay. I'm done now. Huge disappointment for me personally, aside from the look and Billie saving the entire show by bringing some actual pizzazz and showmanship when she's 10 years younger. Have a great day/night everyone. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, Fireffie said:

    The only thing that really pissed me off is the crowd being so low but then singing loudly to Ocean Eyes like ☠️☠️☠️ that was just cringe for me


    Obviously, a crowd of that many doesn't know songs like The Grants, Bartender, Chemtrails, Candy Necklace, Arcadia, Hope and Burnt Norton - can you blame them???


    She shot herself in the foot with the set list.


    I bet you when Ocean Eyes came on - a song the crowd actually knows - everyone was relieved.


    I still can't believe that she chose, like 500 songs people have literally never heard of.

  16. Just now, taco truck said:

    Yes I do understand they are technically ballads, however they aren’t ballads in the Lanboards definition which just means “sad slow (and often boring or long) song” lol


    Ahaha. True, no one here considers those songs ballads since they're anthemic. But none around the around would hear Ride on the radio and think it's a bop or something other than a ballad.


    Let's face it, 80% of Lana's catalogue is ballads, and that's absolutely fine. I just wish she would not let people forget that the other 20% of her catalogue, which I personally find the most interesting in her work, even exists.

  17. 1 minute ago, Lustformoney said:

    It’s so insane when u write this doen:stunned:

    8. ⁠Bartender

    9. ⁠Interlude (Burnt Norton)

    10. ⁠Chemtrails Over The Country Club

    11. ⁠The Grants

    12. ⁠Ocean Blvd

    13. ⁠Norman Fucking Rockwell

    14. ⁠Arcadia

    15. ⁠Candy Necklace feat. Jon Batiste

    16. ⁠Ocean Eyes feat. Lana Del Rey

    17. ⁠Video Games feat. Billie Eilish

    18. Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have feat. Jack Antonoff (studio version)


    INSANE. If I was Lana, and I was going for career suicide at Coachella, this ☝🏻 would be my pick of songs. Minus OCean Eyes and Video Games, of course.


    I'm still recovering....

  18. 1 minute ago, taco truck said:

    I don’t know why people are calling Ride and BTD ballads, those songs are more like anthems, not ballads, and I don’t find the performances for them to be low energy at all the way they are for Arcadia or Bartender.


    Technically, they are ballads. The songwriting is pure balladry. That said, the production slaps on both of those. Ride was produced by legend Rick Rubin, for example. So, they're big and lush, and they do have a rhythm section, so they don't come across as ballads. Which is what makes them good ballads for a festival like Coachella. Same with Young and Beautiful.


    Now, Bartender, Arcadia and The Grants on the other hand........

  19. 5 minutes ago, pin up galore said:

    yeah she did look really really great tonight especially in that first look :trisha: definitely one for the history books I keep thinking to that video she posted a few months ago I think it was an insta story? where she mentioned having just finished a workout and like you could tell her body was snatched af tonight and her makeup was very well done I love how Etienne paints her and Christina and Kali they always look super good :agree: he deserves more praise me thinks 



    Yes, she looked incredible. Her body is really in shape and she's been hitting the gym for sure. She's very slim and glam too. She looks great for her age. I just wish she put as much effort into thinking about her playlist. Instead, she stayed in her comfort zone 89% of the time. 

  20. 1 hour ago, Marshall said:

    my overall opinion is that she could have done like better song choices like thunder, coachella -wsimm, or let the light in but her outfits were amazing and I loved it. but why bartender and not coachella she has played bartender a lot lately she needs to switch it up tbh



    She's been doing Bartender since NFR came out in 2019. That's when I first saw it in Abu Dhabi.


    I'm okay with a ballad like that, it creates an intimate atmosphere. But to do FIVE of those in a row??? At Coachella????? And it's not like the songs around that five-ballad slump were more lively. If I remember correctly, she sang Born to Die, The Grants, Ocean Eyes and Video Games too in close proximity.


    If I was creating the Coachella set list for her, it would have been sth like



    Off to the Races

    West Coast

    Ballad: Say Yes to Heaven

    Ballad: DYKTTATUOB


    Doin' Time

    National Anthem

    Ballad: Ride

    Ballad: Chemtrails over the Country Club

    HIgh by the Beach


    Blue Jeans

    Ballad: Candy Necklace feat. Jon Batiste

    Ballad: Born to Die




    Ballad: Young & Beautiful

    Ballad: Norman Fucking Rockwell or Cinnamon Girl

    New (Lasso) song

    Venice Bitch (trap version)

    Summertime Sadness

    Ballad: Ocean Eyes feat. Billie Eillish

    Ballad: Video games feat. Billie Eilish


    Tell me this wouldn't have worked 1 gazillion times better?









  21. 1 minute ago, American Whore said:

    i want a new song so badly at this point lol


     is she performing next weekend too? maybe she's getting these out of the way and she'll do something during weekend 2 that's different


    Honestly, best not to debut anything new during this mess.


    To recap:


    - Technical issues throughout

    - Lip singing 

    - Mid vocals 

    - Forgetting the lyrics

    - Shy

    - Nervous

    - Recycled set list

    - Few songs with a pulse (AW, Summertime, AW)

    - No Off to the Races, National Anthem, High by the Beach and other Coachella-ready hits

    - 5 ballads in a row

    - Sequencing that makes no sense

    - Terrible outfit in the end

    - Outshined by both Batiste and Billie

    - No recent hits like Say Yes to Heaven

    - No Lasso songs

    - Crowd that's dead

    - Minutes on end of quietness 

    - You could hear her boots clank / pin drop.

    - No crowd singing along with her

    - She would turn the mic to the crowd and crickets



    I mean, i guess we're lucky she didn't fall down.

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