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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 43 minutes ago, slayyyngel said:

    Her SNL appearance had more personality and flavor than the entire album. I'm not hearing "I bumped into my parents at 3 am outside the club and we were all stoned and drunk" from these tracks. Honestly I'm really just getting a lazy, spoiled rich girl who doesnt give a shit vibe from her at this point.


    Its like shes making albums because its her job that pays well but not her passion. 

    The label can only do so much with an artist that clearly does not care or want to put in the effort to innovate. 


    Like what even is the theme of this album? "clean girl" "White backdrop" and "uhh... summer?" seem to be the only vibes it gives with the 'summer' part being forced at the last minute.


    Its weird because she very clearly had the drive to improve as the "go girl give us nothing" moment really showed. Where is that energy now? Did she just think she was done???



    What I don't get with these pop stars sitting on 500 million dollars+ is: why not just hire songwriters to write you a record?


    Beyonce is very smart with that, with dozens of writers on board for every record. Lana does her own shit and is super productive so she doesn't need to.


    But Dua is not a great writer. "Dance the night", for example, is one big songwriting cliche that's been done a million times before, which is why it wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Compared it to "What was I made for" or "I'm just Ken" and the difference couldn't be more stark.


    So, if she had written five good ones, let's say, (the opening track, the three singles and, let's say, French Exit), why not hire songwriters for the other half of the album? Just look how well Padam Padam turned out for Kylie. I woulda literally hired the same Norwegian girl who wrote that track. 

  2. 14 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Saw an insider account mention it yesterday. I think there is some sort of countdown on her website? 
    one of the deluxe track would be a Katy Perry collab according to them 

    don’t know how reliable this info is tbh, but a deluxe is surely on the way.



    Not a fan of Katy Perry, but I'm sure a collab with her (or anyone) would have made this album better. Dua can't even carry those 11 songs (30 mins of running time) on her own.


    She shoulda done another Angele collab, especially if she was going for that European sound (which, I dunno, she was?).

  3. 5 hours ago, honeyslow said:

    i got around to listening to the full album today and idk as a casual listener i loved it, surprised the general reception has been so underwhelmed but maybe it’s just too european of a vibe :oprah6:


    The issue isn't that it's European. Everybody loves British pop, trip-hop, etc. In fact, European music nowadays is fab fab fab. Just check out Angele.  


    It's that Radical Optimism lacks identity, has little personality, sounds like AI, and the worst cuts on it sound like Eastern European Eurovision entries, which is Europe's worst.

  4. 9 hours ago, bonniewinterbottom said:

    DL1 era you will always be superior.


    My god, when I remember how incredible "Be the one" was when it came out, I thought Dua will be the new Madonna. And then "New Rules".


    Nothing on DL3 came even close to those songs, or any of the songs on DL2.


    Houdini and Training Season came close to being great, thanks to Parker, but the songwriting itself is nowhere near as good. 


    Falling Forever is probably the worst DL song I've ever heard. Like Pitchfork said, "it's not a song, it's an assault".

  5. 37 minutes ago, brandon said:

    It’s good, although probably my least favorite of her albums for sure. i listened and i enjoyed, but unlike her other two, there wasn’t a single track that i had to stop and replay because it was so good. ): 


    it really does feel like houdini (and maybe training season) were for a completely different album though. its a shame she hyped up this record so much with psychedelia and kevin, because you really don’t see that much within the album tracks. she really set herself up with giving everyone completely different expectations than what we would end up with. I’d have enjoyed this album much more if it came after self titled, but it seems like a bit of a step back after FN, which I would consider one of the most defining pop albums in recent history.


    Given the fact she keeps mentioning how she wrote 90+ songs for this album, I feel like she should’ve simply made two albums.

    1. High concept, psychedelia, Houdini + Training Season + (maybe) Illusion (like i’ve said before, i usually hate corny fan concepts, but a vertigo, hitchcocky concept would have been very cool to see from her) 

    2. Radical Optimism with the rest of the album tracks and the oceany visuals, more self reflective and lowkey

    obviously it would have been an absolute pain to figure out a marketing strategy for two vastly different albums, especially with her current management, but oh well 


    i got both 7”s for the singles, but something was holding me back from preordering the album itself, and im sorta glad I didn’t. 


    imagine how bad the discarded 80 songs sounded like 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Fireffie said:

    I am :flop: I pre-ordered hoping it would sound like Houdini/Training Season and have that psychedelia that they promised us 😭 

    I guess this is a clear lesson for me to stop pre-ordering til I’ve listened to the whole album


    I got on board with this record because of Kevin Parker. In the end, I only heard his sound in Houdini and Training Season.

    Everything else coulda have been produced by anyone.

  7. 1 minute ago, DCooper said:

    I'd be annoyed if I had pre-ordered that's for sure 



    100%. Imagine spending money on it.


    Hopefully, Billie's new record doesn't disappoint in the same way. It's a bit suss that it's also very short (10 songs or so) and there are no singles.


    At that length, it needs to slap as much as "When we all fall asleep" and definitely more than "Happier than ever".


    Let's hope she didn't wing it like Dua Peep.

  8. 16 minutes ago, bored said:

    I don't hate it, it's definitely not what I was expecting from what's been teased. I think if this had been released in 2021 as like Future Nostalgia: Side B or as a companion record; in the style of Carly Rae Jepsen for example. It would've been better received.


    I was a little worried when I first heard the singles and I guess there's just not enough evolution or excitement to warrant a 4 year wait? 


    But either way it's an enjoyable little album for the summer, just a bit underwhelming.


    when you realise that Lana released OB, BB and Chemtrails in the same time that Dua was prepping this lame-ass glorified EP


    or that beyonce dropped both Cowboy Carter and Reneissance.


    starting to think dua's overreated

  9. 28 minutes ago, DeadSeaOfMercury said:

    Do you consider Future Nostalgia an album then? 11 tracks at 37 minutes?


    I do. Because it was packed with good songs.


    37 mins with only 4-5 songs worth one's time, as it is the case with RO,  is really taking the piss.


    You know, I really respect Beyonce for putting out 90 mins of good quality music. Radical Optimism is a great album to compare other albums too this year (because it's that bad).

  10. ". The bigger illusion here is an album that claims to mark a change in direction but instead does the same as before, only less notably"-  The Financial Times

  11. 11 minutes ago, slayyyngel said:

    The best selling album of this year babe lets keep up! Lmao


    (The Tortured Poets Department)


    Ah, got it. Well, seems like 6.6 hits that sweet spot for muddled, all-over-the-shop records.


    But I don't think it's fair to give Lipa the same score. TTPD has a clearer concept, collabs that keep things more dynamic, and a more substantial running time. Plus, it's just more pleasant to listen to (my ears are bleeding when listening to some points of RO.)


     TTPD also has a bit of a narrative (breakups, fame, etc), whereas OR has zero ideas asides from "I'm contractually obligated to get into the studio, so let me think of some shit to sing about".


    So far, Cowboy Carter >>>>>> Eternal Sunshine >>>>>>>> TTPD >>>>>>> Radical Optimism. 


    I wouldn't even call RO an album,  tbh. It's more of an EP with half good songs, half throwaway ones. She shoulda worked on it for another year, and maybe it woulda been something. Definitely needed more experimentation and Kevin Parker on it too, and at least 6 more songs.

  12. 5 minutes ago, slayyyngel said:

    Exact same pitchfork score as TTPD. And I really am seeing the parallels between these two albums.


    Theyre both kind of releasing completely unnecessarily. They dont provide anything new to the artists body of work. Dont push any boundaries. Most tracks are very samey and lack identity save for a few. Its not a bad album but its not moving any measure. 

    Theres good songs on here but this isnt a great album.


    There were people saying Dua Lipa was the next Lady Gaga after Future Nostalgia released and her next album was going to be huge. This is definitely not that…


    What's TTPD?


    These abbreviations are killing me.

  13. 9 hours ago, Coney Island King said:

    The album has some good tracks but overall it’s a major step down from her last album. It’s just lacking.


    If she wanted to keep the same sound, then bring the big strong hooks and choruses from FN, otherwise go nuts and try something new. She’s done neither, it just feels very safe and uninspired tbh.


    Falling Forever, Houdini and End of an Era are good. 


    Agreed. Barely 30 mins long, and can't even land on a consistent sound throughout? 🤦🏻‍♂️


    Some tracks are solid, only the singles really slap, and most tracks are just mid.

    And then, some songs are a literal assault on the ears (Falling Forever, which sounds like a BAD Eurovision song)


    Major step down from FN.


    Cowboy Carter is a monumental achievement by comparison. That album could have easily been 3 individual albums that are longer and better than RO.

  14. 5 hours ago, SlowGinFizzzz said:

    Just finished my first listen and I can confidently say that AOTY has arrived. Incredible project, beginning to end. Dua just gets it, I honestly don't think there's any other artist in pop as exciting as her right now.

    I can't really pick any favourites yet, but End Of An Era and Falling Forever were the immediate standout tracks to me. I know I'm gonna have hours and hours of fun with this album.



    Album of the year? Yeah, right. 



  15. 9 hours ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Andrew Watt. He gave us some production on FIILY and he produced Doin Time. We need him back. 

    Any Rick song would be welcomed also. 


    agreed. Watt slayed with Doin' Time and needs to produce a whole record. 

  16. 6 hours ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    this was BRUTAL i just had to sit down 😭😭😭


    did those actually not chart? im shook!?


    literally none. Lana's last four albums only had one song on Billboard 100, and that's Doin' Time. This song was produced by Andrew Watt, not Jack. That means Jack effectively ended her charting streak after Nfr (all her past albums had at least one, but mostly multiple songs on Billboard) 


    So, when a random discarded track Nowels produced suddenly charted, he must have had a good really good laugh. It's time for Antonoff to produce a hit. All he needs to do is call Taylor for some vocals and a top 10 is guaranteed. 

    not that it matters. But it is kinda weird....making 50 songs together, none of which charts. 

    it's possible that what's working for the critics and fans isn't working for the masses. Which is fine by me. But also, Jack, Come On


  17. 5 hours ago, heavensentslut said:

    rick nowels



    Do we know if their relationship is still solid? It feels like she's ditched him for a younger commodity for the past 5 years - he must not be super happy about that. 


    And I'm sure he had a good laugh when SYTH - a song he produced - reached the top 50 on Billboard, while none of OB, Chemtrails or BB even charted .

  18. 8 minutes ago, NikoGo said:

    I know we’ve all been burnt by her fake release dates before, but I do think this year (September/October) is likely. I don’t think her and jack would both mention it if she only has a handful of songs ready.


    I think the studio snippet we got of Henry Come On was when she was feeling pretty confident in the album, same as when we got the Candy Necklace snippet in August and she felt the album was finished in September.

    We went from the Candy Necklace snippet in august to complete silence until December, but that didn’t mean nothing was happening. The album was submitted and being pressed and we had NO idea. There is no reason to think that isn’t the case right now, some of y’all are so dramatic :thumb2:


    I hear you. But OB came out last year, March. It's only been a little over a year. And she had the OB promo, rob grant collabs, CN video, other collabs, Coachella, etc. She works fast, but I'm not sure if she could wrap up a whole album that fast with all this other stuff happening. That being said, HM did come a year after UV, so who knows. 

    not being dramatic - Just don't want to get disappointed if we get (yet) another delay. Nfr was excruciating. Worth it but excruciating.

  19. 1 hour ago, lanaismamom said:

    exactly and i think it’s already a solid reason:true:plus pink champagne 

    but i feel like his potential is huge for her and that he could bring something absolutely fresh into her work


    Ahaha okay. Hopefully, she brings him back for at least a song or two, if you like him that much. :kiss3:

  20. 36 minutes ago, Olympia said:


    Fully agree, he was my first thought when I saw your question. I totally love his work, both with Lana and Taylor. I really hope to hear his work on LASSO, too. Besides, I would love to hear Lana doing something like the first half of the current Bleachers album. No idea how this could sound, but something tells me it could be cool. Could be like a more mature version of born to die. 



    So true ❤️ Wouldn't mind more songs like Ride. I never really looked into it's credits though - is this Rick Rubin, who also worked with Kid Rock so much? 


    Think Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Rage Against the Machine, The Strokes, Kanye, etc. He's an absolute legend. 

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