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Everything posted by Sportscruiser

  1. Makes sense but I think A&W and the title track had already demonstrated this versatility. I’m a defender of no third single at all but oh well.
  2. 1. Grandfather 2. A&W 3. Taco Truck 4. Let The Light In 5. Fishtail 6. Paris, Texas 7. Candy Neckace 8. Fingertips 9. Jon Batiste Interlude 10. Peppers 11. The Grants 12. Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd 13. Kintsugi 14. Margaret 15. Judah Smith Interlude 16. Sweet
  3. Compared to BB and COCC, this has promo to it. There are ads in every social media, posters around the US and Europe, 3 decent-to-amazing photoshoots, her Visionary Award, she’s coming back to doing concerts… there’s something different this time around. Feels like a good middle point between Lana not wanting to play the game while also making herself somehow present. I honestly don’t think her album trailers do much outside of her fandom and music videos are kind of a dying art form these days… I think they should’ve done something with the Oceanblvd Insta account tho.
  4. Agreed. Jon Banisters Interlude is a major serve and has a similar vibe to what I’ve heard of Judah Smith Interlude so Candy Necklace must be something just as unique and complex.
  5. It’s a promo single that ironically has zero promo to it. Had she released something like Peppers, it would have become viral - people were really hyped about A&W.
  6. Anyways, I’m already anticipating what some of the fandom will say about Paris Texas but I think that track is gonna be dreamy and hazy in a very specific Bartender-ish way.
  7. I’m not interested in talking to you about this subject (or any other) so you might as well try your luck elsewhere.
  8. I think her melodic compositions remain just as catchy. I caught myself humming Fingertips in the last few days and that’s a song that has no hooks whatsoever… the thing is that her arrangements are getting more complex and less accessible in a way that track like Radio is. And it’s ok that people don’t jive with it but I think her strength as a melody arranger remains stronger than ever.
  9. After all the childhood trauma she went through she really wants to be the one disrupting the karmic lineage that brought her suffering and create a different reality for generations to come - both her family but also to the listeners. It’s so inspiring
  10. I love that the mistake the singers make at the beginning of The Grants was actually organic and purposely placed at the beginning… kinda sets the tone for the album
  11. The Grants is sweeping, emotional and really really special. Don’t reduce it to a “blablabla family thing” because that’s sorta disrespectful and surface-level. If you wanna listen to her sing about drugs, BTD is right there, stream her
  12. I’m afraid those basics will be too scared by Judah Smith interlude and Peppers… I’m feeling a 8.4. They’re not ready to give such a high score to Lana nor top the one they gave to NFR.
  13. I’m actually excited for the track. I just think it’s perfectly understandable if some people don’t vibe with it and if religious content is something that triggers them, then that’s perfectly valid idk about anyone else but I never said Lana shouldn’t do this or that or that people should question her decision to include a sermon in her album - I don’t understand where these combative answers are coming from lol.
  14. In every convo about music, there’s always a “then don’t listen” horn tooter coming out of the woodwork, isn’t it? Oh well.
  15. It’s all fine and dandy that you, as an atheist, don’t care but there are people who might. Not everyone has a healthy relationship with religion (particularly people who belong to large groups that religion frequently affects and undermines) so to boil it down to “art should be challenging” is a bit misguided, in my respectful opinion. I really don’t think it’s that exaggerated of a notion that someone might get triggered by listening to a male preacher spewing (and screaming) religious bullshit. I for one think the track has a lot of potential and knowing Lana, there might be a subversion to it (as you said) and this is probably the closest we have to the sound and feel of Bare Feet On Linoleum (one of my favorite things she’s ever done) so it’s already a win for me. I just don’t think it’s fair to say people shouldn’t feel uncomfortable with it/people who won’t appreciate it, don’t get that art should be challenging. Sometimes we don’t like to be challenged on certain things and that’s also ok.
  16. Oh, alright. In that case and until proven otherwise, religious content that goes as far as treating a preacher as a feature makes me uncomfortable and it’s not far-fetched to imagine that happening to queer people in general for obvious reasons. We actually have no way of knowing (yet) what’s her intention behind this interlude but I sincerely hope there’s a bite to it.
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