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Everything posted by shady

  1. shady

    Britney Spears

    Sorry, dumb tabloids in my country are always late with the Britney tea. Also, I absolutely agree with you and wanted to say that. I don't see the constant speculation about her as odd since it's literally the reason people found out about the conservatorship and her being free. I absolutely hate those clone and her being dead conspiracy theories especially when dead celebrities are extremely profitable. I wish people wouldn't create Black Mirror-like conspiracies because it's nothing more than entertainment and morbid curiosity for an average internet user.
  2. shady

    Britney Spears

    Well thank God he said something. He seems like such a pussy.
  3. shady

    Britney Spears

    I mean... hopefully Jamie Lynn genuinely felt guilty and wanted to reconcile with Britney. If that makes Britney happy than it's go for it. I understand how family is important to people who grew up surrounded by family and are raised to be ride or die with family, but these kinds of people are also ready to accept toxic behavior.
  4. Dove Cameron, everything about her seems very fake. Her music has potential but it's overproduced and shows zero talent which keeps me from enjoying it, and I've tried liking it since I like dark pop. She can definitely sing so I have no idea why she's talking and whispering over tons of autotune and effects. Her public image seems so manufactured but it looks like it comes from a place of insecurity rather than the music industry doing their job. Another cliché case of a Disney star going edgy and queer but this time it's a 25 year old which is pretty lame.
  5. shady

    Britney Spears

    I see no sings of trolling. As for validation, what is the point of calling out Selena, Christina's dancers and bodyshaming her, her mom slapping her for partying all night while she was taking care of her children and now that worker who showed empathy? Let's not infantize her as if she's an innocent soul. Nobody is perfect. I'm glad that she uses her platform to speak out but somebody behind the scenes isn't helping her at all. You don't need to be an armchair psychologist to see that someone is in the same mental state like before since she overshares her feelings and details about her life and relationships. I have no idea why @/urbanney finds this discussion misogynistic. If this was coming from a man, an other celeb or a regular person my opinion would be the same. Instagram is not your personal journal to share every single bad experience you had in life to millions of people. It's so unhealthy. Everybody knows what she's been through and that she was abused but let's not be delusional and act like her behavior is normal. I am a fan of her but I'm not going to convince myself that nothing is off with her posts. Nobody expects her to be perfect, but her behavior gathered attention for a reason and thus everyone found out about Free Britney. Also comparing her to Kanye is ridiculous. Kanye being a Nazi weirdo doesn't mean that we should talk about other celebs.
  6. shady

    Britney Spears

    Her Instagram definitely is pure fishing for validation and I feel for her, but it's an unhealthy way to cope and not a replacement for therapy. Saying let her be is just enabling, but it's not like we have any influence over her behavior. Also, we never seen her face when speaking up, it's that there's zero proof she went to Nobu for her birthday except that pic of her snatching a baby that's considered to be false. It's the weird ass birthday video of Sam as if she was held at gunpoint. I was on Tattle (big mistake) and some of their theories made a lot of sense. Nobody expects a cheerful quirky Brit, but let's not act like her behavior is near normal. The video of her dancing with a cake is very concerning.
  7. shady

    Britney Spears

    I was defending her when she was posting risqué photos and going against her sons but I can't anymore. Defending her at this point is delusional. First of all, I highly doubt that she has control over her socials, it's becoming more and more clear as time passes. I feel like she had control at first but not anymore. Something tells me that she's in a mental institution. Secondly, even after those rants months ago, she started recalling pretty personal and irrelevant moments of her life where she felt she wasn't treated fairly. It's such a toxic thing to be bitter about every detail of your past and its hard to move forward with that mentality. I'm losing hope for her of ever having a normal life again. She reminds me of Anna Nicole. P. S. Her hubby is an enabler since he was approved by her family and team.
  8. Lana stans on Tiktok are so toxic, you would expect such toxicity on this fan forum, not there. They say that everyone who doesn't like her newer direction in music is immature and doesn't understand art. So pretentious. Reminds me of metalheads and boomers.
  9. I already forgot about THE song
  10. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFqbfyQ3/ This audio sends me to a different dimension where I'm the baddest bitch ever with the most perfect life with a perfect man. I wish this was a part of the official song. The instrumental was too good to not deserve its own solo.
  11. I feel the same for her new music but I still respect her. She releases what she feels like creating and it's her choice. I find it much better than the annoying trend this year of recycling already classic hits as an easy way to make a hit (I'm Good (Blue), Super Freaky Girl, Staying Alive by Dj Khaled etc). Also, teens are discovering BTD, UV and others, which are almost 10 years old and I listening to it as if it was released an year ago. You don't see that often, so many trends have changed and the majority of decades old hits are only listened to for the sake of nostalgia or as a time capsule of that time.
  12. The ones who willingly believe are just picking what they wish to be true or want to insert some drama in their boring lies.
  13. I disagree. I didn't give Honeymoon a chance because it was an underdog. I thought it was the least popular for a reason, then I fell in love with the music, the ambient, the vibe not looking at the numbers. Honeymoon may be the least mainstream album but it's still one of the faves among fans, all of the Lana fans I know irl absolutely love Honeymoon. Yeah, it reminds me of Artpop because it was quality underappreciated music but because the previous album (Born This Way and Ultraviolence) were such an edgy iconic moments, the following albums looked like a downgrade or fans weren't ready yet for a different era.
  14. @Surf Noir @honeymoon is alive I was literally joking calm tf down. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.
  15. I've been getting my euro dance pop EDM trashy bimbo fix from that album cause I can't keep listening 2000s dance hits over and over, it makes me feel like a middle aged person who primarily listens to 80s hits.
  16. I had such high hopes for BB and now I'll make sure I have 0 expectations so I don't get disappointed. I would die for an album like UV and HM but I don't know how realistic that is. Maybe if she started doing drugs again then we can expect such an album lmao. If the album is good, then Tiktok will do the job.
  17. High By The Beach is one of her worst songs and such an awful introduction to Honeymoon. It sounds like a parody of herself. It's super generic and the only people who love that song are the same ones who think that Born To Die and Summertime Sadness are hee best songs. The video sucks too.
  18. I feel like that about my favorite Lana songs too. I don't want to listen to her slow songs when I'm doing something that requires energy like doing chores, rushing somewhere or similar. I also avoid them when I'm feeling remotely sleepy because songs like Honeymoon can send me to an Italian town for 2 mins instead of keeping me awake.
  19. The word 'basic' is thrown a lot nowadays as if it's somehow shameful to be basic. Sky's style isn't basic, it's timeless. If she'd worn interesting pieces back then it would've aged like milk. She had a timeless style combining 90s grunge, thrifted clothes and trendy clothes, knew how to rock it and aged like wine. If I had her wardrobe in 2013-15 I would've been getting a lot of attention and compliments in my hometown, which is not what happens when you dress basic. If she had that edgy alternative tumblr aesthetic with micro bangs, neon hair, round sunglasses with crosses she would be considered ridiculous or as nostalgia trip now, not someone who had a good style.
  20. I just got a license but I can't drive without a family member legally for 2 years cause my car is too big. I honestly don't mind. Cars aren't a necessity where I live and I love walking. I only need it when it's rainy and cold and ai need to be somewhere. I'm also kinda scared of accidents or running over someone, but the dumbest people I know didn't do that..
  21. Not only that Lana's truck isn't the problem, USA has a problem with cars being the main source of transportation from city planing, low density, huge cars, to mentality that was propagated for decades (16yos MUST own a car and a license otherwise they're losers) and many more. So, y'all Americas need to change something about that. Still, if USA was like Scandinavia, expecting a celeb to ride a bike is ridiculous. Whenever I see EU politicans show off how they go to work on a bike or by foot I kinda cringe. I would the the first one to drive around in my beautiful cabriolet if I was in Lana's tax bracket.
  22. Can some of you shut the fuck up? If you were an international celebrity and a millionaire I bet you wouldn't be thinking about being so environmentally friendly by giving up on your nice car and riding a bike. I had no idea about Lana's car and who cares about her car. If you're going to criticize celebs than go after Taylor and The Kardashians and others who basically live on a private jet. Lana nor our regular habits aren't responsible for the state of the world but rather the asseholes on top are responsible. They shove us down our throats how we need to sacrifice comfort while they don't need to change anything about their lives, and people fall for it. Not saying that we should ignore everything and throw plastic in the river but rather not go against each other for not being environmentally friendly enough.
  23. I listened to it on my vacation and it was good. I really don't like the production cause it's too dim for that retro effect. The dim vocals were way overdone on that album as if someone was recording a voice message while accidentally covering the microphone.
  24. We and her Instagram followers are the most pathetic people to walk on this earth.
  25. The power of Tiktok I don't remember Lana being this consistently popular after BTD.
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