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Everything posted by shady

  1. Bestie I liked your criticism about Lana's mishandling of her career but career but calm down about Beyonce.
  2. Lmao yes just like Courtney Love and her daughter living off Kurt's 30 year old music, same for GnR, Pink Floyd and other 30+ year old bands not releasing music for decades and living like royalty, still being signed to labels and still touring and performing at festivals. I can see Lana doing that in 20 years and my 40+ year old ass buying tickets along with teenagers who romanticize the 2010s.
  3. Taylor Swift released two mellow ballad albums in a short time and I haven't seen a single bad comment from her larger fan base. Lana, who's famous for being a ballad singer, is being called lazy and her music is criticized for being boring and underwhelming. Do you see my point? It's not the music genre nor the image, it's that fans noticed that Taylor has put an effort in her music and era while Lana's fans feel like Lana doesn't give a shit about having a decent era. Also, people being unsatisfied with their favorite artist's direction is completely normal just before the internet it was seen by the lack of album and ticket sales, now that's instant and more obvious through the comments. The artist SELLS their work, a product, so in my opinion an artist should see what their fans would want to listen. Of course they shouldn't be people pleasers but they should at least read the comments. Not not wrong tho. In my country Lana's definitely more popular. I see my 13-14 year old cousins listening to BTD (now I see how my parents feel when I listen to 70s and 80s hits), Blue Jeans and Summertime Sadness is literally being played everyday on our most popular English pop radio. I literally can't buy Ultraviolence/BTD/HM vinyl because it gets sold out days after it arrives. Beyonce is definitely the Regina George of the pop music industry, more powerful and adored by the media while Lana is the underdog but I feel like Lana's music has more longevity. I don't see anyone listening Beyonce's old stuff besides Crazy in Love. Edit: Beyonce is obviously more successful on a global scale and definitely more popular in America but in some parts of the world Lana's more popular.
  4. Apparently she was at her darkest at UV and I definitely see everywhere how she's so happy in COCC so Idk. People are saying that those three songs are her processing last trauma, not her being unhappy. However, her sudden weight gain reminds my of someone I know who takes medication for anxiety and I heard it somewhere that she's bipolar but I don't know and don't want to invade her privacy. Edit: Okay guys, sorry for the weight comment, I had no ill intentions nor to sound weird. I just meant that somebody's appearance says a lot with their physical/metal health and I was just saying that I heard. I didn't want to diagnose her.
  5. You're reading my mind for everything you said. I just find it fun to hang out here but I don't have a huge expectation. My friends don't give a shit about Lana since NFR so they don't even want to have this conversation lmao. Just her artwork and production is not convincing that this will be something WOW. Her stans are so annoying with defending her work for being aUtHeNtIc as if catchy well produced music with an organized era and good aesthetic can't be. Literally people in this forum have awesome ideas and people in Lana's subreddit have awesome fan made artwork and vinyl designs. People wrote deep, raw and dark lyrics and made iconic music so that's a very bad excuse.
  6. Answering to questions before you had a stroke. So what's the vynil colour? Baby Pink, baby blue, or some soft warm color What's this era's flower? Rose is always the flower but maybe white or pink Are we getting Dealer? who? How many tracks are there on the album? 8 standard and 11 deluxe. A little less because she already released a full album. Is this COCC 2.0? UV 2.0? BtD 2.0? Honeymoon 2.0? BTD 2.0. definitely after hearing the producer with a sprinkle of UV. Is this a real album cover or not? No, hopefully. Is it one or two albums actually? One. My theory is that the name of the album is Rock Candy Sweet and BB was just the first song revealed. Will it have any collabs you think? No What is your dream collab? Not looking forward to anyone but maybe some old ballad rockstar. What is your dream cover? Lana's? Summertime and Heart Shaped Box. What is your dream song for Lana to cover? Riders of The Storm by The Doors, it's definitely her vibe and so UV. Maybe something else by them. Are we getting a photoshoot? Of course, probably the same photographer for every album I forgot his name. Are we getting music videos? Yes, probably something simplistic Is Blue Banisters track 1 or track 12? Definitely the first part of the album. Her last tracks are usually nothing special.
  7. Omg I can't believe that I actually understand the French part. Being forced to learn it in school has actually paid off.
  8. He produced Patrition by Beyonce, Fashion Killa and other hits on the pop side. It seems like it's going to look like BTD, Diet Mountain Dew first comes to my mind.
  9. Bestie me too but that Lana is long gone. You're too ambitious but I think at least half of fans share your opinion. Go listen to Ultraviolence and act like you've never heard it before. R.I.P. edgy Lana I wish she was more 70s rock n roll groupie aesthetic but that's too juvenile for her now and she has already had that kind of vibe in Ride. I adored grunge but got sick in late high school lmao. She gives me soccer mom vibes or that aunt who used to be cool until she settled down. I don't think she's ever planning an edgy era again, look at rockstars, they usually become mellow in their late 30s and completely stop making music in their 40s.
  10. Glad i'm not the only with random embrassing celeb dreams.
  11. shady

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    It looks different since the COCC era started, to be exact I noticed it being different when she filmed that video in the fields with pearl gloves reading her poetry book. I don't know why is everybody pressed about you assuming. She definitely has bigger lips than before and her face looks more perfect now. She's definitely not botched and looks beautiful, almost Barbie-like, but she definitely doesn't look natural. I've binged plastic surgery videos by Lorry Hill out of curiosity about plastic surgery and I can tell you that as soon as you noticed a micro change on a celeb's face is most likely they had a trip to the clinic. Somebody said that she's too young for a facelift, there are multiple types of facelifts and it doesn't have to make someone younger. Bella Hadid has had a face lift and she's in her early 20s. I don't know what Lana has done recently but I can assume it's a lot of fillers and botox.
  12. It's probably older since she has a fuller face and shoulders now. It looks like 2017 since iPhone X was released that year and she had longer hair in LFL. It's not our business to question other things and you can actually DIY a phone stand.
  13. It would be perfect if: On 4th of July an album called Rock Candy Sweet with a cover like @cherri or @Deadly Cruel Girl suggested. The vibe being a combo of Honeymoon (aesthetic, little bit of its energy), Ultraviolence (theme, vibe) and AKA (instruments, tempo). I hope the songs were demos and the album version would have better production. Wildflower Wildfire deserves better drums and some guitars lol. Tbh I feel like RCS is the real name and BB was just the first song revealed. Why should she reveal the name RCS if she didn't release it with those three songs? The name RCS also sounds more LDR than BB.
  14. Omg yes. When I hear people say that BTD is her only good album I'm like "Seriously?" Yes but the fans are the ones who buy the album, not the critics. Who even listens to the critics nowadays?
  15. - Say Yes To Heaven - Honeymoon version is hypnotizing. - The transition between Freak and Art Deco is a small but cherry on the top detail. - Rahab is so underrated - Heroin (both music and the lyrics) give me chills and I don't even do drugs - Her unreleased songs may have a bit cringy and juvenile lyrics for her standards but it's on the same level as current pop hits if not better
  16. The majority of fans are on her side, but I can't say the same for the public. The majority of commentary channels and news outlets criticize her. If she's being mentioned somewhere half of people would be calling her a racist. Those commentary videos like D'Angelo's have hundreds of thousands views, some over million and the people in the comments are siding with the creator. She's being attacked for everything new she posts and people still didn't get over the mask thing. New music ia being released every week but I only see people being pressed about Lana's artwork. She fucked up a lot but it will be forgotten as time passes. She has a strong fan base but I didn't hear anyone outside of her fan base talking about Chemtrails. That's the reality.
  17. That's an amazing idea! I made a cover on Picsart in 5 minutes a month ago. The piano is a prop because it's the main instrument, the cool toned is because it's Blue Banisters, the country-ish cozy vibe etc. Let me know your thoughts...
  18. Bestie I'm from Europe. I feel like Lana now for being accused of being republican
  19. I wanted to say that but it would be such a long essay. I don't like this term but it describes her perfectly, she's not a feminist™, she's a white feminist. She's one of those celebs that would be better off being silent than continuing to contradict herself. Lana babe, just say you love gays and get back to writings songs. I cringed sp much when I read her argument with dating rappers = black people.
  20. Damn guys, my post really provoked you to reply. I respect your opinion and this is the last time I'm going off topic so don't ban me lol. I don't want to quote everyone so I won't clog the thread but here's my take on the Kanye thing. Btw I'm obsessed with Wildflower Wildfire?️?. I'm surrounded by people with very different views, literally from typical European libertarians, to pro authoritarian left and right wingers so here at least distancing from someone because of political views is weird. We're usually friends with people who share our opinion. I didn't want to date a guy because he literally framed Hitler's portrait in his bedroom lmao so I'm guilty of doing that because it's just too sick and radical. I don't think that division is a good thing because people are never able to unite on a rainy day. America is a often used as a bad example how its citizens are divided based on political views. Also, let's not act like Biden is better than Trump, he's just as bad as him, a wolf in sheep's clothing, a pedo, a racist and a fascist who's trying to appeal to Gen Z and young millenials. I'm aware that artists and young people are liberals, that wasn't the problem, I identify as a centrist btw. The problem is the literal eco chamber among celebrities and the fear of having slightly different opinions. We saw how the public reacts to Lana being a liberal but slightly deviating from the stereotypical pop star strong independent woman vibe. I wouldn't be surprised that she ditched Kanye in fear of being seen to be same as him. I've seen so much bullshit accusations of Lana being a racist because she likes the retro aesthetic. I'm just saying that it's toxic for people to hate each other so much and accuse others of horrible things based on zero evidence.
  21. This is so true and probably one of the worst trends in pop culture. It creates this eco chamber where out of touch celebs say the same thing and pet themselves on the back for being so brave and moral. I would prefer the majority of celebs being "airheads" with only a few who genuinely care about politics than this. The ratings of the Oscars and Grammys shows how the public reacts to bullshit but they can't seem to get it. This has gone so far that celebs have become propaganda tools. How moral is a celeb who knowingly has young fans like Ariana and Billie and encourages them to vote for a democrat president and have a certain ideology? They're all for equality but don't bother to tour everywhere else that isn't the US, UK, west Europe, Japan and AUS. As for Lana, she isn't far from them. She's trying to jump on the bandwagon but fails to catch the train. Dumping Kanye over being a republican? Kanye is batshit crazy but it's pretty disturbing if you decide that people who vote for a different party don't deserve to be friends with you. She reacted so poorly when people joked that she was a republican instead of laughing it off like in that furry livestream. She can still be a democrat but expressing it in a different way would suit her more. She doesn't seem radical at all giving by her her QFTC statement but I understand the pressure from her environment.
  22. From now on I'm reading my posts in Peter Griffin's voice too, he he he he he he he
  23. I think I heard it on Reddit before I discovered this forum. They always unironically refer those songs as demos and it kinda makes sense by their sound.
  24. Omg the piano songs. C'mon, give us some guitars, drums and violins. I can't believe she will have a 3rd album in a row with just piano songs. She's losing fans. I couldn't listen to COCC even as background music, it's so unseasoned. I think she wasn't even trying to make a hit with BB. I heard that those three songs were just demos. If she wanted, she could've promoted them but she didn't on purpose. Maybe she's planning to promote it once the album is completely finished with a hopefully new artwork.
  25. Two days ago I made my first purchase on (German) Amazon and no I'm not from Germany the shipping and vinyl are the cheapest there. I bought BTD vinyl (13€) and UV vinyl for (20€) + 13€ shipping. Amazon "declined" my card claiming that payment revision is needed and my card "reserved" that money and now I technically lost that money.
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