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Everything posted by shady

  1. Lmao why is that label so funny to me and I know exactly what you mean. My gay friend whenever I show him a classic hard rock song or a concert is always like: "Too straight for me "
  2. I find it better than Old Money, The Other Woman and Money Power Glory. Not bad but not good. It's not that it's repetitive, so is Shades of Cool, Black Beaty, Sad Girl and more, the point is that the melody isn't something original but it's catchy enough for me to remember the chorus after only listening to it a couple of times months ago. 5/10
  3. Definitely! I stopped caring right before that album but I was a stan in 2017 and I'm still planning to buy a vinyl of Wiped Out because it was iconic to me back then. Maybe I'll be back loving them.
  4. Well almost everything I mentioned is very famous or respected
  5. COCC - Boooooriiing. I can actually write an essay why I don't like it but it's unnecessary. Electra Heart - I like only a couple of songs and the rest of the album is boring. The Neighbourhood - I loooooved their music until 2017, since then they have become so whiny lol AM - TBHC, literally everyone I know who's a fan of them hates that album including me. Just... background noise Sky Ferreira - I absolutely love a couple of songs but I don't get the hype around the entire album. Now moving on to old school music... Led Zeppelin - Only like three most popular songs (you probably know which). Bauhaus - I loved the first two songs I heard from them but later on everything's too...Idk... Black Sabbath - Also only a couple of songs of their earliest work. Idk ... Motley Crue - one song, maybe two. I don't like Vince Neil's voice Joy Division Unknown Pleasures - Two songs from that album are amazing but everything else is meh. I like their other albums. GnR Use Your Illusion - Except the most popular songs everything else kinda lacks any buildup and a memorable chorus/riffs. I listened some songs multiple times but no...
  6. Nah, it doesn't affect my life and I like seeing talented people getting recognition even if I'm not a huge fan. It just seems disingenuous. When Taylor, Beyonce, Gaga, Riri etc. praise someone new it seems genuine because it looks like an older sister giving an advice. Good that Elton's hyping it helps those artists but, like I said, I find it hard to believe that a man in his 70s can be a fan of a music by a late teen and someone in her 20s.
  7. Exactly, I didn't know about the other artists but it only confirms my theory lmao. IMO there's nothing better for a celeb than having a quiet life after decades of a successful career and swimming in cash. Dude has a net worth of HALF A BILLION. Gramps pls sit your ass at home and buttfuck hot twinks from time to time. We have to admit that he's still less desperate than Madonna who's still trying to have a career with her horrible autotuned voice and we all know how her opening of 2019 ESC went... Physical copies of her latest album are everywhere and all 50%-70% on sale. Yikes!
  8. Lmao I noticed that Elton John loves to talk about new pop stars (definitely not his pattern to collab with Lana but doing that in 2012 would look like him). When I saw him comment about Billie Elish and how he's a fan I was like "Boy, are you trying to attract Gen Z to buy your vinyl records?". What can a man in his 70s feel when listening lofi pop songs written by a 18 year old. I don't think he's creepy but rather that he wants to be semi relevant with the new generation who loves old music more than ever. Nothing wrong with hyping your favorite artist but I don't see Madonna or other artist with a huge legacy praising every new artist that has a similar vibe.
  9. I'm yet to go to a coffee shop that play that kind of music lmao (except Starbucks).
  10. I'm not British and I never understood why were people offended but that post and telling her to delete it. Lana's ancestors are British and millions of people love the royal family so it's not a big deal. Let her idolize them, it doesn't hurt anybody, she probably doesn't idolize them because of racism and incest. Btw I watch The Crown (10/10) and don't like anyone except Diana, young Margaret and kinda Philip lol.
  11. People are so selective in what's okay to romanticize and what's not. Either everything is okay or none of it is okay. It's okay when women have songs where they're harassing men, being a pick me, where they're being promiscuous, materialistic etc. but OMG Ultraviolence the song is so toxic and needs to be canceled. Give me a break. Go listen to kids bop if you want a positive message.
  12. Lmao same sis I just can't buy an ugly looking album. I also hate when the cover is overly sexual like The Pretty Reckless or Bauhaus when you can see the guy's hairy ball sack unless it's very arsty. Same for depressing 90s rock/metal covers.
  13. oMg Is LaNa GlAoMoUrIzInG aBuSe AgAiN? Think of the children! We need to cancel her! Also I understand the point but that doesn't excuse it for being a horrible picture. Halsey did a nice job with a glittery "black eye" on the Manic artwork.
  14. My broke ass doesn't even care at this point because there's no chance I can afford anything besides the black one and ALL vinyl stores here love to sell standard lps for the price of a colored for 35 fucking euros.
  15. I swear that grungefied photo reminds me of MySpace emos.
  16. Come on she's still lowkey brilliant for an 18 year old kid. The bar is to high. 18 years olds are generally awful musicians, Billie and Olivia are one in ten million who actually make listenable music. In my country usually pretty 18 year old girls win this huge singing competition, get a huge record deal and they all turn out to be awkward af and clear industry plants with zero charisma. I remember the second hand embarrassment I got from watching 18 year old hipster girls having an acoustic performance at a café (I was 17-18 btw). It's okay to say her music is overrated and that you don't understand the hype but she's far from a bad singer.
  17. Yeah but I didn't think it was enough for a 1# album and overnight hits. Also she's praised by many A list celebs as if she invented the wheel.
  18. You forgot the biggest industry plants of the century - Kpop idols. Kpop stans get enraged when you bring that up but know a lot about the industry at the same time. Then you wonder how teens eat up industry plants? It's enough to be good looking, have an aesthetic and be slightly edgy. I kinda noticed that rock, metal and alt communities notice industry plants easier but they're toxic in their own way.
  19. I also don't understand the huge success of Olivia. Billie was at least unique with her style and vibe. Olivia looks like a typical skinny Bestdressed-ish influencer, her style of music is generic but at least I can understand why teens love her since her topics are reletable. Avril and latter Billie had raw tomboy energy while Olivia is the most conventional looking teen who tries to be edgy. What's embarrassing is how I've seen 20+ year olds worshipping her. I'm not hating her I just think she's very overrated. Maggie Lindemann has the same music style but she's at least "unique" with her gothic image and fits more to be the alt chick.
  20. Y'all be talking about Sad Girl Tumblr phases while my dumb ass couldn't figure out how to use Tumblr and I didn't like the idea of blog and followers, I wished it was more Facebook-like. Also when Lana, AM and soft grunge were booming in early 2010s I was being busy being #swag #yolo with galaxy stuff, Obey snapbacks and beanies with a dark-ish twist, idolizing Acacia Clark, Madison Beer and listening to dubstep (circa middleshcool). Roast me however you want (I still looked cool compared to the peasants in my small town) . I was late at the party in freshman but it was still going hard on IG, I got hooked on Ultraviolence, AM, TNBHD and Nirvana. Halsey Bandlands era was the shit. My friend and I were staning her just because she was an alt pop girl who had a cool vibe not because her music was special. I never took part in sad quotes over dark grainy images because it was too cheesy even for me.
  21. Agree but one thing: I fee like her fan base used to be teenagers until mid to late 2010s when we grew up. I fee like THE "alt" girl for 15 year olds are either Billie or Olivia Rodrigo, Lana is kinda just casually there. She's is still being listened by teenagers but not to the extent it was nearly 10 years ago when Tumblr was a thing and when every "popular" "grown up" middle schooler in my town posted BTD era screenshots and gifs on Facebook. I feel like the majority in their early 20s. Just like JB's stans are now in their 20s and he's not considered a teen heartthrob anymore although he's still in his 20s because the new Gen has moved to worshiping kpop idols.
  22. Yees, Salvadore and Honeymoon are masterpieces. It's crazy how Honeymoon the album is so underrated by its sales but the singles are popular among non fans while it's the opposite with NFR. When listening to Honeymoon (especially Honeymoon the song) I imagine myself in a wealthy part of an European city at night. Basically something like this... Has anybody got tips for finding sugar daddies
  23. Same sis, I can't get over the feeling when I discovered Shades Of Cool and was listening it on my vacation in Greece. I barely listened to the lyrics but the melody was . The sky was blue without a single cloud, the sea was dark blue and lighter and lighter until it was mint by the shore with a pleasant wind blowing. I was wearing boho clothes because that's my usual aesthetic in the summer which matched the psychedelic elements. People aren't aware how a good melody is important. It creates a whole new atmosphere and memories of the listener. Me when listening to COCC: k cute song Me listening to those three songs: cute song, good lyrics, might recommend my friend to put her baby to sleep.
  24. Yeah but you can't discuss strictly about a single topic and add new ideas forever. Also this is more like a chat room because around noon there are new replies every minute. I guess we're mostly from Europe and get up at 11-12am. This mentality reminds me so much of the Sims community. Everyone is whining how the previous games are better, particularly sims 2 and how sims 4 is shit, lazy and boring.
  25. None cause that shit is expensive. Seriously, 100 dollars for a jacket plus shipping? I'll buy it at the thrift store or at a sale in Pull n Bear and go 100m to a stand that does embrodery in the same mall all for maybe 30 dollars in total. Baby girl Lana should make her shipping free if she wants my and her broke fans' money lmao (seriously UV vinyl used to be 10dollars and honeymoon 20 dollars, that was a bargain but the shipping was 35 dollars...).
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