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Everything posted by robertenglandgrant

  1. I feel like if she included Wayamaya instead that would have fit NFR so much more! I love Love Song, but definitely my least favorite on NFR.
  2. 1. Honeymoon 2. Cruel World 3. White Dress 4. Love 5. Text Book 6. Born To Die 7. Ride 8. NFR
  3. I just checked the video on Uhauljoe, and my first instinct was to save it in case it became unlisted again, but I wasn't able to because Lana classified the content as "made for kids." Am I reading into this too much, or does that have a deeper meaning?
  4. Some dedicated fans have been re-creating Lana's Insta, but since it's harder to do with her Twitter, here's the web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20210912062542/https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey If you want to see snapshots of a specific timeframe here's a link for that too: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/LanaDelRey
  5. She always seems to make some sort of thank you announcement right after a new album drops, so I'm sure we'll hear more from her then, which would give her over a month off of social media. Plus today we got SO much good news. She's working on her covers album + more poetry. Mike Dean also confirmed a while back that there's more to come from their collaborations. In terms of much of the personal stuff we see from Lana, at least we have Rob and Chuck to keep us updated in the meantime!
  6. Sorry if this is a bad question, but when you say next days, did you mean in the next day or next few days? Trying to see if I can stop worrying about refreshing urban for today haha
  7. When you say next days, do you mean in the next day or in the next few days? Trying to see if I can stop refreshing urban lol
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