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Everything posted by regattasinthewind

  1. 1. Cruel World 2. Ultraviolence 3. Shades of Cool 4. West Coast 5. Money Power Glory 6. Brooklyn Baby 7. Fucked My Way Up To The Top 8. Cult Leader 9. Sad Girl 10. Old Money 11. Florida Kilos 12. Your Girl 13. Pretty When You Cry 14. Is This Happiness 15. Flipside 16. Black Beauty
  2. Waist Deep in Icy Waves serving as an ethereal LDR9 song title
  3. The rollout of NFR, COCC & BB was definitely interesting, but I'd rather have a more concise rollout like LFL this time around personally Even though this album clearly will not be very mainstream, and I doubt they are aiming for radio singles, a nice quick but organized rollout for once would be satisfying
  4. regattasinthewind

    Taylor Swift

    Hope 1989 is actually coming this time, and it's not another Wildest Dreams This Love TV sounds great I'm perched
  5. I've been thinking about this 😭 If and when she does tour again, I'm sure she'll sing some songs from COCC (title track, lmlylaw, bus with nikki, dbjag, wah..), but i can hardly see anything from BB being performed i think Cherry Blossom, Arcadia and Thunder (?) will be the ones she carries over. the chances of Dealer, BBS, WFWF, or any of those are quite low
  6. I believe she could do it before releasing anything new I doubt it would be a big tour or anything... I could honestly see her touring small venues between Oklahoma and Texas singing BB and (mainly) COCC songs I do think though that she is thinking about her next release, and that one guy who was teasing Watercolor Eyes on Twitter said she had something coming in the spring, so I also would not be surprised if she put out an album and began touring immediately after
  7. Duarte (where she mentions she is) is one town over from Arcadia Nice to see she's still enjoying the area. Hope we get the Arcadia poem version spontaneously
  8. I believe they dated briefly sometime between HM and LFL, and she was the inspo behind his song Mulholland Queen & Hard to Get Over Also rumored that NFR (song) is about him, but that seems way more speculative
  9. I know Lana has a history with Jonathan Wilson But I'd love to see him produce something for her in the future, cause this song is so ethereal
  10. https://twitter.com/nfr_podcast/status/1511410102070349829?s=20&t=dim3ukQiuXO5OUQNj-2urA According to a German website, Pusha T's album will be released on April 22nd... and the cover is the Lana coke picture
  11. That just made my entire life I need a collab rn
  13. nobody looking at that damn spaghetti 😭
  14. Unpopular opinion but I'm very perched for his comeback with her The 'bombastic' description is very mysterious. I have no doubt it will be quite different than COCC
  15. The way we were joking about a Robert Grant debut album a couple months back, and now that may in fact be a reality
  16. regattasinthewind

    Miley Cyrus

    These new songs are really good I'm so excited for where she goes with this next album, even if these two cuts aren't on it
  17. Manifesting an album of Rob piano and vocals sung through paper
  18. All this information(?) we've gotten from insiders(?) today and nobody has said a word about her magnum opus glam metal spaghetti western trap disco 10 minute from the vault classic Dope
  19. I Talk to Jesus was originally on a full length Tropico EP? I wonder what other songs could've made it... I assume Wild One and Angels Forever were in consideration. Those songs all have a very unique feeling to them, I could totally see them all in one project
  20. If we're getting anything soon I definitely think it will be BTIG, a Nikki Lane album/song, or the country western covers album (or a mix of Nikki x Covers x Western) I think BOZ's tweet is referring to a potential Dua Lipa x Meg collaboration announcement, since she is opening for her later this month I believe
  21. If you told me this pic was a screen cap from Euphoria I would believe you
  22. The white border... the caption... did she just announce a song
  23. Rob quoting Florida Kilos on his Twitter I love him so much
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