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About homestead

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  • Birthday 08/06/2002

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    somewhere west...
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  1. if anything is hopeless it's you guys not having hope that gives me existential dread
  2. um no she didn't she is releasing in march https://www.nme.com/news/music/sky-ferreira-teases-new-music-set-to-arrive-in-march-3084718
  3. also i forgot to add in post my above if anyone just wants to email/dm me the unreleased stuff in high quality instead of helping with the google drive. thanks xx
  4. if you didn't say you loved sky in the end you and I would have to throw hands xD
  5. Guys can somebody please help me with getting a zip from this google drive? https://href.li/?https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-Y-eqNGvDiNY1cwVzdsc1VBdlE/edit?usp=sharing  it has high quality versions of the unreleased stuff i haven't gotten access to it and its been like 7 days. I found the link from this right here: Sky Ferreira Source (tumblr.com) and i found that link from this thread actually. the password is: skyferreirasource.tumblr.com and i actually found another link of the unreleased stuff from this website called "dbree" but i am curious to see what is inside the google drive still. thanks also below is the comment i found the tumblr link from
  6. The top songs are inaccurate because i would fall asleep to the ep a lot this year. my top 5 should look something like: 1. Obsession 2. Everything Is Embarrassing 3. 24 Hours 4. Paper Doll 5. Dynamite State listened to the album A LOT too. (Night Time, My Time) I also went and watched fire walk with me because I saw in the Amoeba live q & a that it was one of her favorite movies. I watched all of the movies she's in and her cameo in twin peaks.
  7. I found an article that might help https://www.maketecheasier.com/add-explicit-clean-tags-itunes/
  8. Hello, I am new here. I found Sky in february of this year and I can't get enough of her music. I found out about this thread a few months ago but didn't wanna join (lanaboards and this thread) until I got a laptop. And now I have a laptop. so yay on that. Anyways, I am well informed on the current Sky situation. But if you guys find out anything big that not many people know about, please tell meeeeeeeeee thanks xx
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