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  1. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    on this watch what happens aftershow miss charles just said taxi will be released eventually…. hopefully…
  2. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    i think you misunderstood the point i was trying to make
    a. people need to stop being afraid of the term "hyperpop" - the so-called "experimental" music she's made SO FAR has fit within the genre of hyperpop - this doesn't mean it's bad this doesn't mean i don't like it but it's what the genre of music is and trying to deny that is just wrong
    b. i'm not one of the twitter gays that have been shitting on crash - i actually think this is some of the best music she's made in awhile so yes i agree with you 100% there
    c. i absolutely don't mind her collaborations with ag but i'm a bit confused on what you mean when you say "that kind of approach" - if you're talking about the pc music / hyperpop sound then it's profitable because she's pandering to what people want but i wouldn't even call it experimental anymore - it's good that she enjoys it and i'll take any music she's gonna make but it's become boring and predictable at this point and it contradicts with what charli said in the rolling stone article on how she wanted to make people feel a bit uncomfortable with her music - she can absolutely make music with ag that doesn't fit the hyperpop sound and i hope she continues to experiment in DIFFERENT ways in the future
  3. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Charli XCX   
    This is very true, i mean, her hyperpop era was her giving her best to prove that "hey i'm not just some random chick who has dipped in a few pop songs that y'all saw on the charts, i am the moment that pop culture couldnt ask for more" - She doesn't have anything to prove with this genre anymore, she's an artist & she changes, she grows, she needs to conquer a new high to expand her artistry wise & enrich her catalogue. I've been following her career since her tumblr days and i gotta say, she is one of the artists out there who gives you DIVERSITY & quality. Really sad at the fact that there's so many of her stans (mostly post Vroom Vroom era) dont get it & whining & bitching everyday about anything she does. Yes, you dont have to like everything she puts out but stay respectful is the best way that u can show her your genuine love & valid appreciation she deserves.
    And also, it's sad that some of the hyperpop stans literally lack of recognition of the works she did before Vroom Vroom, even went as far as trashing them (my poor baby SUCKER didnt deserve the hate). 
  4. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    hifn is my favorite charli album but i would be lying if i said it wasn't essentially an extension of pop 2 so you still definitely have a point
    i know constant repeat will send me into the atmosphere
  5. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    Umm, is Charles wearing salute merch here?  or something different?
  6. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by sack in Charli XCX   
    i completely agree. i think baby is absolutely amazing and good ones isn’t bad but this era isn’t my favorite so far. it’s not that i want charli to do super experimental pc music again, i just think she could give us more memorable and hard hitting pop music than the singles that've been released. everything has felt pretty lackluster for me, however i don’t think every era that an artist has is gonna be my cup of tea. this era hasn’t been bad, just not my type of music. the amount of people attacking her on twitter honestly disgusts me because her new music appeals to a LOT of people even if it doesn’t appeal to me and i can appreciate that. if charli enjoys the music she’s releasing then i’m happy for her. baby gives me a lot of hope for the album though so maybe she’ll make me change my mind about not loving this era once it’s out 
  7. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Lucy Liu in Charli XCX   
    hi girls, i've been a longtime charli stan but i'm a newbie in this site so bear with me lol
    i'm sadly not feeling this era, which sucks because i know how much it means to charli. i think baby is a bop and so is good ones but the other 2 singles aren't hitting that hard for me. but honestly i feel like this type of sound is so been there done that with pop girls and it sucks to see charli cave in to it after giving us such innovative material over the years. of course ill wait to hear the full album, maybe my perception will change but this sound is kinda boring to me lol. i'm not one of those snobs who is like she MUST do pc music forever!1!1! but i wish to see something more inspiring and not songs that almost any other indie girl can sing, but maybe that's just me.
    i think what makes n1a so special is that it hits the mark for both audiences, the pc girls like us and the gp with basic taste all in one. i get that her and atlantic are trying to cater to the gp but some of the people who care about her more (us) are losing interest instead because we know she can be more inspiring.
    sorry for the paragraph lol ive been lurking and wanted to get that out.
  8. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Charli XCX   
    I don’t think charli plans at all she’s very instinctive and impulsive as a person and changes her mind a lot. 
    she could go anywhere next, there’s no guessing but I doubt she’ll go back to the PC sound-she will always experiment though.
  9. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by CharlisHouseParty in Charli XCX   
    do the people saying baby is unfinished/goes nowhere somehow expect it to suddenly turn into what c2.0 sounds like or something? have yall not understood the point of the era yet?
    this song is so good and dragging it is forbidden 
  10. the ocean liked a post in a topic by CharlisHouseParty in Charli XCX   
    we literally have all of twice 😭
  11. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by joejoejoejoey in Charli XCX   
    twice is one of her most beautiful songs i am so excited 
  12. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    maybe she should try to go for a deal where she can release stuff on other labels if she wants - like a non-exclusive thing
    probably won't happen because money go bye for the label but it gives her even more wiggle room to kinda do what she wants
  13. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    i don't really mind her getting signed to a major label as long as she has a good amount of creative control
    she's definitely NOT a charts artist and i don't think the major label should try to market her as such but once it gets past that i think it would otherwise go smoothly
  14. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    did op blink 3 times when they felt it kicking in?
  15. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Chorli Xbox in Charli XCX   
    she should’ve called the album Lavender that would’ve been so badass
  16. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Charli XCX   
    omg the album was called Sorry If I Hurt You before Crash help
  17. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    This shoot is absolutely incredible omfg i am beyond obsessed, some of her best pics EVER
    also a really great article! it’s always nice to hear more about the sides we don’t really see - especially because i feel like Some People tend to forget she’s an Actual Person 
  18. pussyrealfat liked a post in a topic by CharlisHouseParty in Charli XCX   
    do the people saying baby is unfinished/goes nowhere somehow expect it to suddenly turn into what c2.0 sounds like or something? have yall not understood the point of the era yet?
    this song is so good and dragging it is forbidden 
  19. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Danny Milk in Charli XCX   
    oh wow 
    + some more without the tag
  20. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by no1angel in Charli XCX   
    “I’ve been feeling quite low throughout 2022, to be honest. I feel like my mental health has really taken a toll,” Aitchison says, becoming tearful. “I’ve never cared if you like my music or hate my music – don’t listen to it if you don’t like it – but I think at a time when I was already feeling quite low, that kind of rhetoric honestly just really hurt my feelings. There is this misconception that people in the public eye are able to take any shit that you throw at them and yes, we do have to learn how to handle negativity and criticism because it comes with the territory, but at the same time, everyone’s a fucking human being.”
  21. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    when u think about it… baby mv lowkey giving xcx tower before it collapsed…..
  22. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by Girl That Got Away in Charli XCX   
  23. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by wildstar in Charli XCX   
    Baby is SO good wow! My fav track so far I'm obsessed 
    Also Charli can't please everyone.. I'm glad the people she's not pleasing are the people who say unnecessarily rude things so they can look 'funny' on Twitter (when they really just look pretentious). I bet they wouldn't say that to her face lmao.
  24. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Charli XCX   
    exactly my point, what needed to be said
    thank you very much for PERFECTLY comprehending.
    We always love to gatekeep these pop females for our own good like "wow, are you listening to Charli XCX, you are definitely gay" OR "only gay people listening to Charli" and stuff like that...
    But when it comes to the flaws in the community, why dont we just own up to it?
  25. CharlisHouseParty liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    and don't want babies... besides "baby" of course
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