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Rose McGowan

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Everything posted by Rose McGowan

  2. I’ve lost all hope I’ll add this to my list of things to beg for (along with La who am I, Crazy for You etc) because it is NEVER EVER coming.
  3. No no pretty sure this is payola and John Misty is playing you. He is public enemy #1
  4. Ok now that I think about it what is John Misty doing releasing a cover of his own song sang by someone else? I’m not sure what payola means but i’m sure this is it! Lana stans definitely paying his rent since they bought all the deluxe vinyls
  5. 🕯🕯 DONT FORGET COMING TOMORROW.. 🕯🕯 I can feel it in my bones
  6. Why 2 months? I’m afraid it’ll stay a vinyl exclusive forever, like originally said.
  7. Rose McGowan

    Charli XCX

    Doesn’t exist cus Charli didn’t write on it. Anywho if we’re yelling into the void for leaks I want TR outtakes please!!
  8. Rose McGowan

    Dua Lipa

    Not them but it’s 2018’s Mandy
  9. Rose McGowan

    Chappell Roan

    A thread for emerging popstar CHAPPELL ROAN... So far the queer American singer and songwriter has released 4 pop singles produced by Dan Nigro, whom you may know from his works with Sky Ferreira and for producing Olivia Rodrigo's SOUR. She has toured with the likes of Declan Mckenna and Olivia Rodrigo. Previously signed to Atlantic Records when she was 17 she released alternative music in the same vein as Lorde, she's now independent and ready to take over the pop world. Take a listen, I think Lanaboards will like this fellow Lana fan who cited her as a huge influence and references in her song, Naked In Manhattan.
  10. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    The only reason for the large gap since obsessed is because Addison is an influencer before anything else! Does anyone follow her on instagram? The girl is super busy with her own fragrance, beauty line, and being the face of multiple ad campaigns (all while she’s recording bops in the studio) God bless her because she’s really going to feed us..
  11. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    That’s just not true. IGIB and 2 Die 4, amongst other titles circulating could 100% still be considered for release. The only song that was definitely scrapped was nothing on but the radio.
  12. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    I’m done arguing but I’m 99.9% sure not everyone was scrapped, I’m certain she was just ordered to record a little more music. She was recording last month
  13. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    Bullying? You’re nearly 30 and can’t take any criticism? Please 😭 Just because other people are actively harming her career doesn't mean it’s okay for you to do it too. I’m all for leaks. I just don’t care for attention seeking gay men and leaks of upcoming content. Do something with yourself, like I don’t know, leaving artist alone and spending your fast food checks a little more smartly.
  14. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    but he does leak offsite, flooding twitter with “lyric leaks” and snippets under Addison’s tweets. It’s pathetic
  15. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    It’s very funny to me you edited your message to remove your age and the “i didn’t leak anything” bullcrap but when I still had the quote you added them back.
  16. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    Im not singling you out you’re just the only one teasing here on lanaboards.com? Deflect and edit all you want
  17. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    Fault still falls on you for teasing and snippeting like your hot shit… I know you want to get your money’s worth but leave her alone.
  18. Rose McGowan

    Addison Rae

    This ain’t something to be proud of.. You look older than Addison herself. Why do you think teasing unleaked (and upcoming) music under an artist’s tweet is okay? GAY MEN STAY AWAY FROM YOUNG ARTISTS TRYING TO LAUNCH THEIR CAREER!!!! We don’t need another pop masterpiece to be scrapped. (ala Cry Baby - Sky Ferreira)
  19. All this over a cover snippet… should’ve just waited the 1 and a half days
  20. Yay!! 600 pages and we’re getting a single! For 6000 pages we’ll get the album
  21. been saying bombastic so often it doesn’t even seem like a real word anymore
  22. Sky Ferreira walking down a neighborhood and every time she passes a house the house blows up/catches on fire behind her, she just walks down and lip syncs. At the end she's smoking a cigarette and smirking while firetrucks come. Giving arson baby.. Fashion:
  23. Hi friends I’ve seen a lot of people raving about this girl lately. I want to get into her, where should I start? Carpet Bed -> Golden Age -> Inbred? Anything unreleased or off streaming that’s super duper important?
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