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Everything posted by misselectrarockwell

  1. This post is so old but here’s the song on Spotify for anyone curious! https://open.spotify.com/track/7eb3B3kZNZOfNGdweSCHOd?si=HnC5S9fbTq6LkiFHcoLqlQ&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A0N8V2Bc7C0mGfgBg6xCQqU
  2. azaelia commenting on it too im sat
  3. this is still my favorite collab to date hallucinogenics you will always have a special place in my heart
  4. this is so real!! I’m in the same boat (have the worst luck with being on holidays when she comes to Dublin) so im really excited, but I’d love to see her change up the setlist a little bit
  5. Might have to re-read Violet again after some of these, such a great book I hope she publishes more poetry some day!
  6. I love listening to the audio recording of this reposted from Lana’s instagram years ago onto SoundCloud, I’ll listen to it on loop when I walk home from school. It’s my favorite poem of hers.
  7. Could the female stylist in question be Maeve? She was seen with Lana a lot around 2012, although I know Johnny was her stylist for the paradise tour and other career events at the time, so I’m not sure if Maeve and Lana were friends or rather work acquaintances instead. If anyone has more knowledge on that timeline they could fact check it maybe and see, because truthfully I don’t know much about her but it might be a possibility xx
  8. I’ve always loved these interviews so much!
  9. this is so sweet omg i bought sirens on vinyl last week i can’t wait for it to come now
  10. fun fact: this is the quote I had in mind that kickstarted this thread! Love hearing all of your responses
  11. this isn’t a very original thought so if a thread has already been made feel free to merge it! Do you have a quote, line or song lyric Lana has said that has really stuck with you or something you think of often? It can be from a music video, interview, instagram comment or song. She’s so well spoken so thought this might make a good thread!
  12. LOVED this years Grammys! so much representation happened on the awards stage this year, after the madness of January and recent events in politics it was so lovely to see everyone bonding through music, and reminds me why I have a lanaboards account and why music is forever one of my favourite hobbies. So many great speeches, so much happiness all around, a great night to witness overall xx
  13. oooh it’s here already!! can’t wait to *hopefully* see this thread grow, so excited for her 2025 performances you have no idea
  14. Banned for always being in my notifications box liking my posts (Thank you!!)
  15. This song is so fun to play on guitar if anyone plays I suggest you find a guitar tab for it online!!
  16. I’ve never heard about this Lana what side quests were you on girll omaxjxjasghs
  17. I FORGOT ABOUT THIS LMAOO I need to log back onto that account rq! Some content for the thread: Disembodied poet and the poetry website dedicated to her + Lana referencing him in old tweets (if I remember correctly!!) All the domains she owns, these are some off the top of my head: Lanadelray.co.uk Lizzygrant.com Lizziegrant.com Mayjailer.com Princessofnewyork.com They all redirect to lanadelrey.com Lana lying about her age during the early days of her career, although that one isn’t very deep in the iceberg because all it takes is watching a few early interviews lol And lastly, video games being listed as a 5 minute song on Lana’s MySpace
  18. Does anyone know where I can access this interview in full? MTV have 40 seconds of it on Twitter, but I’m looking for the full thing because it’s not on YouTube anymore. I used parts of it in previous edits 2-3 years ago so it was around at some stage. Really need it and would appreciate the help! Thanks x
  19. Charlie allegedly leaving her on read after she sent him evidence hello?? That’s insane
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