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Everything posted by misselectrarockwell

  1. weather is getting warmer again so you know I’m streaming this a ton!
  2. I can probably find it using search terms then! I’ll have a look around edit: found it in 5 mins https://gossip.thedirty.com/gossip/hollywood/avoid-valerie-vogt-at-all-costs/#post-1940631
  3. omg if you ever stumble across it again can you drop it in this thread? that’s interesting for sure!
  4. No I completely agree! Like @Chanele said I am shocked that fan pages are posting this. Look I understand it is ‘new content’ by all means, I myself run a relatively large TikTok page and post whenever there’s a new event on but having a fan account is meant to highlight the artists best moments. Posting a video of Lana where she’s clearly stressed rubs me the wrong way entirely. Even when this video didn’t release yet and Lana just commented on the paparazzi pictures I didn’t post those photos onto instagram or TikTok because it was a negative experience for her. That’s just how I personally run my page though, the situation makes me so sad for Lana especially after the barricade situation last night where a fan invaded her personal space again!!
  5. The fact the paparazzi looked at these pics after the argument and said “yup! these pics are gonna make her look bad” is sending me because she looks stunning in them just understandably unimpressed loll
  6. So cool to see all of us putting the pieces together! Love seeing this thread update every now and then, it’s definitely one of my favorites on this site for sure (:
  7. this made my heart so happy he really did the most for us abroad tonight thank you for your service king <333
  8. YES!! Annie putting words in her mouth at times, the chimney breaking mid-interview and the public backlash afterwards was wild, what a time to be a stan
  9. Lana’s been in the public eye for over a decade now and there’s been hundreds of articles written about her coming from big tabloids and indie publications alike. What’s the funniest or most unhinged thing you’ve seen in a Lana article/interview? Both good and bad are welcome. Perhaps it’s an outrageous title of an article to draw people in, a funny interviewer, a music critic making a statement or Lana just being Lana, drop anything memorable down below! I’ll start with this classic that starts at 3:50, Lana for XFM back in 2012:
  10. The coquette girlies are gonna go mental when they see this outfit omg
  11. It’s May now, I wonder what ever happened with this release..
  12. By now we all know how obsessed I am with Lana’s poetry and I hate to beat a dead horse but at the Ivors Awardshow this evening she said: “I really sense that spoken word is coming back, like kinda beat poet you know, comeback” She said the same about country music and announced lasso so there’s a good chance that this book might actually come into fruition, or at least it’s still in the back of her head and hasn’t ended up in the graveyard of scrapped projects just yet.
  13. oh my god I completely forgot about this we were analyzing it like it was A POEM
  14. I think given the ‘culture’ (if you will) at the time with cancel culture being at its peak and the blm movement dominating the US things definitely did get taken out of context by the media, but I do wish she would stop beating a dead horse by bringing this up again after everything that happened last time
  15. can you imagine a blonde Lana del Rey possibly performing alongside Taylor at Coachella I would actually pass away ;o
  16. mourning the blonde hair but I can’t be too upset because she acknowledged west coast and it’s anniversary is on Sunday when she’s performing soo..
  17. I feel like such a terrible person that I’m only getting the album for Lana and then I’m not even buying an album varient with Jack on it bye
  18. Tbh my heart goes out to Charlie sometimes because he’s not as involved in all of Lana’s ventures (music videos etc) compared to Chuck so I’m glad he’s going out and doing something on his own, even if I don’t understand it (,:
  19. After watching the Grammys I found out that there’s a category for best spoken word poetry album. If Behind The Iron Gates ever sees the light of day, perhaps Lana might win a Grammy for it! (only if she remembers she actually has to send it to the Grammys to begin with lol)
  20. Reading this years later is so funny to look back on now, we were so desperate for it to be released during nfr and here we are now!
  21. I’ve always associated the burnt coffee lyric with the AA given how crappy coffee is always served there. A couple lines back she talks about ‘church basement romances’ which is usually where the meetings take place. I also read a New Yorker article a few years ago discussing the NYC ‘Bowery bums’ which from my recollection was an area in New York that was notorious for drinking in the 70’s which aligns with that entire verse. Interesting stuff, the father son and Holy Spirit triad could also be tied in there too given her religious upbringing. Honestly it’s all up for interpretation though!
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