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Everything posted by AtomicMess

  1. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Damn charliboards lanaboards xcx thread hates Sam features, we hate Troye features... sounds like we just be hating gays and queers up in here.
  2. Still better than shit baby dum dum Melanie Craptinez. Manifesting a world where Sky comes back and occupies both areas of the music market they're all in and ends them.
  3. Jealousy and Sinful are like, *it*. I want. I need. Give. Give. Give.
  4. See for me I'm not too into their newer stuff. Debut > V2.0 > BG > BLM is just such a good run for me. I can find 4-5 songs off each that I just absolutely adore. NYKOP, 'Automatic Systematic Habit' and 'I Hate Love' are the only two that I like. Maybe 'Man on a Wire'. SLB is where I got lost. Empty is the only track that slaps for me. NGNM just....failed to penetrate my skull in any way.
  5. Chances are they won't; at least not right away. Sky signed a contract. If there's something happening behind the scenes with that contract (cancellations, re-negotiations, moving her to a subsidiary label under Capitol, etc.) public commentary could affect that or be taken/interpreted certain ways legally.
  6. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    XCX Misogynist Confirmed
  7. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    Girl a butterfly could float by and suddenly she'll have beef with Mariah Carey over her album of the same name idgi Yeah this; I do get exactly where she's coming from. Like I understand the perspective. Still doesn't make it right. But I get it.
  8. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    She really done gone pissed off some gays taking shots at Twink Syvan.
  9. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    The "circulation" in question: (Meme brought to you by Bing AI this is a JOKE I am simply JOKING about the topic leakers and hoarders please have a sense of HUMOR this is supposed to be FUNNY)
  10. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Oh! Mother Mary! Now that's interesting and exciting!
  11. I think we all just need to come to the consensus that Ferrari here was literally just an alt-grunge "It girl" who dabbled in music and made a record and then her little "It girl" moment ended, except nobody told her/she didn't get the hint. The only reason she's still fucking around in the music space is because she's literally got nothing else going on in terms of a career path. TW: Ugly comment. Like the Panera meme ain't that much of a meme at this point. She needs to clock in.
  12. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    I think Heart to Break is the one that brought her to my attention? IIRC? So I'd give that one a nod from personal bias.
  13. AtomicMess


    Jelly. I was going to totally rearrange my trip in Denver to see her and Kim Petras like back to back, but decided against it, and now my whole trip is cancelled/postponed, so
  14. AtomicMess


    You know it's serious when we start busting out the government name. In my head I've just shortened your post to this because yes.
  15. AtomicMess


    >>Popgirl *actually* trying to be mother<< "Where's the music???" >>Popgirl drops a mid-track for a bunch of gays<< "Omg she's mothering"
  16. AtomicMess


    kjhaiosudziuesroai4w7a98pergyn zdfiguzolidrbzp09467pa0jn0p$^yzo;e8nz;p946mz;pe97jz)W$&nbh$^&*N{se[597mnyj[9po6r {$ THICC IS GETTING A RELEASE YES HALLELUJAH GLORY GLORY WE WON
  17. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    Okay and is the 2 minute and 30 second version with a spectrum not showing a compression line at 16khz in the room with us, now?
  18. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    I'm literally bitter that Problematique got butchered with some tracks getting tossed into FTB (doesn't work sonically/thematically for me), 10 tracks getting slapped into a mixtape as a "fine, here you fuckers go, w/e", and then remaining tracks just getting left out/dropped entirely.
  19. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    More like this please Miss Xbox.
  20. Thissssssssssssssssssssssss. I *HATE* to say what I'm about to say and bOtH sIdEs this, but it reeks of the same energy right wingnuts apply to book banning. "I don't like what this says, and it goes against MY BIBLE, so this needs to be taken out of schools and public libraries." This constant trend of reviewing old media through the lenses of either strict modernity or strict morality on both the creators and the consumers is so fucking tiring. Like unless a piece of media is literally, actively, unabashedly and directly advocating for harm, violence, genocide, racism etc., it should stand. If you consume a piece of media, and in the process it makes you uncomfortable, THEN THE LESSON IS IN IDENTIFYING WHY SOMETHING MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, AND THEN THEREFORE DECIDING ON YOUR OWN EITHER TO CHALLENGE AND CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS TO ACCOMMODATE, OR WALK THE OTHER WAY IF YOU THINK THE CONTENT IS 100% AGAINST YOUR VALUES. "Singer wrote a song with some meeeeh lyrics 15 years ago, how horrible. Cancel them!" Okay but like...where's the room for growth? Where's the allocation for change? Where's the acknowledgement that the artist has (or hasn't) moved on from those viewpoints and perspectives? If it was something truly horrid, where's the pause and assessment if any kind of restorative justice has been served or not? "Nah, skip to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect 200$." Just zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I hate being old on the internet.
  21. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    Hey now, I'm toxic but I actually l love myself and the mess that I am. Girl streets been knew for years; water is wet. Honestly I think you're on to something here - AB gives me someone who is very talented and very skilled, but she also gives me someone who cannot let criticism and haters roll on past; she comes off to me as someone who is VERY sensitive, and the outbursts and lashings she dishes out come from a place of frustration and hurt (real or imagined). I could see her looking in the mirror and being like "Why bother. I'm going to put work into it, people aren't going to be happy, they're going to pick at it, they're going to demand shit in the IG/Twitter comments, they're going to drag my artistry, and I'm going to have to stand up here and defend myself and feel attacked, and then when I do that the media and the zeitgeist is going to be all "AB going crazy again!!!", so fuck it; not playing into that cycle." I believe (and I could be wrong; someone feel free to drop the T and cite the sources) she def doesn't have rights/residuals to physical media pressings of Fantasea or BWET. I've heard the lost masters rights as well for BWET. Like every time people have brought it up on Twitter or IG she's basically said "I get no money from it, so no, fuck off." And honestly, tying it all together, with what's happened to her/with her in the industry, regardless if it was her own doing or not - looking at her history of label issues, losing (or failing to secure) masters and publishing rights or residuals, troubled collabs, and now with whatever is going on right now on her IG and the text screenshots she's sharing and the crying she's doing... The industry and her have not had a kind relationship and I can honestly see why she's decided to fuck it and make soap. She must be so exhausted. Girl I listened to it and my heart broke a little. Whatever the circumstances and the T is - in her reality and world, she's been wronged and still actively being wronged and sounds genuinely tired and tortured by it; nobody should have to feel like that.
  22. AtomicMess

    Azealia Banks

    Sky Ferreria of the rap game.
  23. AtomicMess


    Ugh. The way I'm not gonna be able to do DC on the 27th cause of work. And the way I fly into Denver like 2 days after her concert there. Edit: Fucking Kim Petras is also playing in Denver on the 8th. I stay fucking LOSING. GOD. FUCK. UGH.
  24. AtomicMess

    Kim Petras

    We won! (City Girls too!)
  25. AtomicMess

    Charli XCX

    This is the only section that I am focusing on because seriously most of that shit just sounds like this to my ears and I deadass think some people here want this meme to be reality: https://www.tiktok.com/@tuna_comic/video/6995673640712948998 Like if you look at the bitch's career from 14 until now, released and unreleased, she seems to want to go across tons of genres, sounds, and styles, and run the gamut from emotional/personal content to "lets just do coke and drink WOOO!!!" If she wants to drop generic club dance poppers piano house, then she's gonna. If she wants to do generic PC music trap beat she's gonna. If she wants to do some rock-punk inspired shit, she's gonna. Like, you don't have to eat everything an artist shits out. They're suppose to be appreciated organically for the things they do that you like, and passed on for the things that you don't, and if one side of the scale has more on it than the other, that's supposed to be the hand that guides your opinion.
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