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Everything posted by ethelcain

  1. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    morning, because its the only word i can hear
  2. Rob is over too for ending the live after each song
  3. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    my friend was there and i was sooo jealous
  4. you’re insane if you want PWYC gone, it may be played a lot but it’s legendary
  5. OMG A NEW LEAK WE WON https://thatvenicebitch.wixsite.com/missdaytona/unreleased
  6. in 50 years that thing's gonna be going for at least 10k
  7. they have 2 more songs so lets just hope the next one is.. well different
  8. instead of no way i think she says "that's crazy"
  9. This is literally the best date so far this tour If she sings that one part in Cherry it'll be even more perfect
  10. I just know she was thinking "What's Sirens"
  11. When she starts singing Melancholia lyrics
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