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Everything posted by ethelcain

  1. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    Some covers I made, yall can use them if u want
  2. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    Why do some of her fans have such a parasocial relationship with her I saw someone say that you shouldn't listen to the PD acapellas and instrumentals because they're leaks.. acting like she would think any higher of you if you told her that. Well actually its mostly the same one person I see saying shit like that but
  3. ethelcain

    Song vs. Song

    Wait For Life vs. Loved You Then And Now
  4. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    down south is my #1 wanted leak from her, although im not sure it’ll ever happen
  5. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    nicole dollanganger collab on b-sides me thinks
  6. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

  7. ethelcain

    2023 VMAs

    not that i hate her or anything but i hope she shows up to an event one time and doesnt win anything
  8. ethelcain

    2023 VMAs

    lmaoo Super Freaky Allegations
  9. ethelcain

    2023 VMAs

    taylor's white girl dance gets me every time
  10. https://www.dazeddigital.com/beauty/article/60616/1/ranking-the-best-fuck-ass-bobs-based-on-vibes-kim-kardashian-lana-del-rey theres a reason shes #1
  11. you always have the best takes and and never hold back which i admire
  12. ethelcain


    omg thank u so much!
  13. ethelcain


    PLEASE, for the love of god, does anyone have Trance in HQ? I need this song in HQ, I've searched the depths of the internet and i cannot find it
  14. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    she already said we will
  15. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    do y'all just say shit to say shit? this is a stupid take im sorry
  16. ethelcain

    Ethel Cain

    i was messing around and uploading some unreleased to soundcloud, and first i did that one that got leaked last month that we dont know the name of, and it got taken down which is kinda weird, i did waco, texas next and that one also got taken down but dust bowl didnt, its so weird, is it possible that the leak from last month is a demo of something coming out in the future?
  17. jimmy jimmy coco puff, jimmy jimmy ride
  18. ethelcain

    Addison Rae

    oh she's taking it.. i have hope
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