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Everything posted by williamprb

  1. Okay but has the official uncensored version of green light leaked yet? The Freemasons remix seems to be the only version with “pimp shit” uncensored
  2. williamprb

    Taylor Swift

    Wait they aren’t doing that? They’ve done that with literally all other re recordings
  3. williamprb

    Song vs. Song

    queen of disaster vs serial killer
  4. williamprb

    Song vs. Song

    Queen of the gas station vs smarty
  5. williamprb

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    That’s exactly what I was wondering and I wish I knew also do we have someone here who preordered the album on iTunes, did they get refunded or what?
  6. williamprb

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    No it wasn’t, this tweet was posted January 12th and the site archive we have is from January 30th and has the full original track listing and links to the snippets in its source (She also used the cover for curiosity without the ep in the corner in the tweet if you need more proof)
  7. williamprb

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    And I can’t even find an email for the correct Kevin Maher SOMEONE LEAK THIS FUCKING ALBUM 😭😭😭
  8. williamprb

    Song vs. Song

    Hit and run vs dynamite
  9. Title says it all Clue 1 Clue 2 Clue 3 Clue 4 Clue 5 Answer How many clues did you get it in? I realise these clues r pretty shitty but if you have some other clues to another song share it down below!
  10. 24 specifically from my uo honeymoon
  11. Okay so I’m being attacked because I said Ariana barely wrote on yours truly and I’m getting ppl saying “she wrote tattooed heart alone in her bedroom” but like I didn’t know alone in her bedroom meant with 5 other writers as well
  12. williamprb

    Song vs. Song

    The greatest vs mac
  13. I also rlly don’t like the later miss y demos. I mean the “to become great” does not fit at all like the to be great just flows better. Also the background vocals are so loud and jarring like they sound horrible and are way too loud the mic quality of them sounds like scab and plaster demo 1 quality. Especially in the “drop your knees to the floor” section. I hope we get another later demo or maybe even a final (if that even exists) that actually has proper mastering, that later demo has better balance than some demos but it well could be fake.
  14. Wait stop I’m in the karma server and didn’t know abt this ppl in the server r saying it’s fake and there’s a higher quality version in their master post already so idk.
  15. Listening to b’day rn
  16. if she does get nominated i truly think she's gonna win an award this time
  17. ohhh imagine she was doing drugs and drinking beer, genuinely the first thing i thought of when seeing the post
  18. also with the picture of her taking pills, was she drinking beer or apple juice i genuinely can't tell
  19. williamprb


    wait so we didnt have a laufey topic before this?? CRIMINAL
  20. lana's insta posts have been so unhinged lately
  21. williamprb

    Troye Sivan

    girl im gay but i just wish that he didnt make that a sole point of all his songs and visuals STOP GUYS IM GAY AS WELL!!!
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