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Everything posted by TropicoHeart

  1. So what? Just bc someone is pro-choice or a liberal/democrat doesn’t make them a good person. It’s like you guys constantly look at the semantics of what we’re saying and ignore the elephant in the room. Nobody cares that her husband is a republican or a conservative… But being with someone that shares so much hate against minorities on his social media will make fans question her stance. It has nothing to do with her being a woman, this IS LANAboards after all…
  2. Yes, sadly. It’s super common for married people to adopt the political ideology of their spouse, and it usually is the wife that changes hers
  3. The fact she was so quick to make sure to let everyone know that she in fact did not grow up rich when everyone was saying her trailer park lifestyle was fake and that her dad was some rich CEO… But now that she’s been accused of being a republican for months it’s radio silence
  4. There’s nothing wrong with having a partner with different political beliefs, and no one is saying she can’t be with him just bc he is a Republican. However… Being with someone who thinks transgender people should be beaten to death is… well call it what you want but you can’t call her an ally. Maybe it’s easy to not “get it” if you aren’t part of the community, but being trans myself I do feel hurt and I do wish she would give us some kind of confirmation that she still is the loving Lana we always knew of, but unfortunately I do think she has changed.
  5. It makes me truly wonder if she did actually vote for Trump this time bc what she mean by that part I mean she isn’t bothered by the Facebook posts so..
  6. Oh how much this autumn would’ve EATEN if we got the original Lasso album in September…
  7. Does anyone have a source where Lana said that Paradise would be titled In the Lands of Gods and Monsters? I feel lile I’ve heard this before but can never find any information. Also wasn’t the title Bird World?
  8. Do we think that there’s a possibility that The Right-Wing Person Will Stay will be a digital album only? Ocean Blvd was supposed to have no physical release, so it’s not a crazy idea. Plus it would explain the random Wednesday release.
  9. Born to Die Paradise Ultraviolence Honeymoon Lust for Life Norman Fucking Rockwell Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass Chemtrails Over the Country Club Blue Banisters Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd The Right Person Will Stay
  10. Girl I wouldn’t be surprised if she actually voted for him this time.
  11. and to think that everytime we support her, we support her MAGA husband economically too We all really fell out of the coconut tree
  12. Did you see that fake post on Twitter with over 4 milliom views and almost 80k likes of Lana saying she supports mass deportations And the MAGAs in the replies are believing it saying thank God her husband changed her… A fucking mess
  13. Maybe they released this remix to make up for the lies We for sure ain’t getting shit this year.
  14. Nobody is asking her to drop him but the damage has already been done
  15. I don’t think she cares sadly.
  16. Ok great! No I was saying she didn’t have to mention that part. It’s like she’s saying ”I don’t give a fuck what yall think of my man”
  17. Slandering would be if people said he looks ugly or is white trash or whatever (which is wrong), people are literally giving valid criticism. Maybe you haven’t seen the FOUL photos and comments Jeremy has shared on his Facebook? Would you like to see? You will never know what it feels like being a trans person literally HATED just for existing.
  18. Everyone deserves peace and privacy and to not be stalked. That being said it rubs me the wrong way that she had to yet again mention how ”amazing” Jeremy is, despite fans having valid reason for being upset with him and his view on transgender people. Sad!
  19. I was listening to Stevie Nicks’ new song The Lighthouse and I remembered that there was a rumored Lana song with the same title? Maybe it was supposed to be a feature with Lana but Lana changed her mind or something?
  20. Didn’t the locals say they live in the ”nowhere” so who is taking all of these photos if they live far from the town??
  21. But Lindsay Lohan is literally a trusted insider, she has given us tea that was correct before
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