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Everything posted by heavensentslut

  1. heavensentslut

    Miley Cyrus

    do we know what the first song recorded for the album was because if it was flowers you can tell she built an album around that song
  2. heavensentslut

    Miley Cyrus

    only listened to handstand and you they were cutee
  3. heavensentslut


    the way her verse was the best mixed and mastered
  4. can more songs from candy leak so i can make my own kim petras comp
  5. i need a cigarette by ayesha erotica
  6. hating on lana's friends and family is very weird sexualizing them too
  7. red ruby da snooze
  8. thinking about pinkprint era everything about it the styling the production the concept she really had perfection in this era even her promo singles ate like lookin ass yass bitch and boss ass bitch are all 10/10
  9. heavensentslut

    Kali Uchis

    the most recent one is so unflattering
  10. heavensentslut

    Charli XCX

    because kanye is weird he does not give up on songs but hey most LFL songs had hundreds of mixes too
  11. heavensentslut

    Charli XCX

    i would love to see a real draft because its waaaay too short
  12. red ruby da sleazd had so much potential but her energy was off and the beat couldve been more climatic
  13. heavensentslut

    Charli XCX

    her best creative direction was N1A and i kinda slightly dislike pop 2 and charli oh and the weakest track on TR is black roses and the strongest on N1A is all of them OH and the xcx world tracklist was very odd..?
  14. wait sorry that was a rumor 😭
  15. heavensentslut

    Kali Uchis

    can someone make a timeline of the por vida covers?
  16. the ones used for dwt
  17. you and my way are sweetener era
  18. i think we should do a yt bundle la vie en rose + oh darlin for 2000 would be cool
  19. ouu why is it rlly good
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