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Everything posted by teethclick

  1. Listening through the new the xx album.
  2. Electra Heart was really great the first week, then it got really boring.
  3. Oh, I didn't read the text on the picture.
  4. What? Hahha. I meant the one with Lana in a black dress at a rocky beach or something, where this is from, hahha.
  5. So this was where that on-set picture was from!!
  6. teethclick

    Crystal Castles

    I love them, hahaha. Can't wait for their new album.
  7. Introduction section please, it's rather annyoing with all those in the conversation section, haha.
  8. I'm pretty sure it was in a none-voting category, hhahhaha.
  9. But we could never vote in the first place! Hahahh, no, I'm not mad.
  10. It's "spender", hahaha. You need to change the title before I can add it to my thread.
  11. Then what does publicity have to do with anything..?
  12. But you can't vote, so that shouldn't do anything.
  13. She better win. Born to Die is amazing.
  14. teethclick

    Book Thread!

    I started reading the Fellowship of the Ring the other day, and it's so different from the movie! Seems rather good tho.
  15. No thank you. Where did the rumor came from in the first place…?
  16. Btw, whoever added the smileys wrote "legent" and not "legend", haha.
  17. It's what it was on ldr.fm so I'm used to that, but the mods can change it to whatever they like.
  18. I think the lanadelreymedia tumblr has a lot of her stuff, if not all.
  19. TIWMUG Take another drag, turn me to ashes.
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