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Thats why they call me Dita

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Everything posted by Thats why they call me Dita

  1. This thread definitely made me feel like.. ancient I’m 27.. remember being 16 when BTD dropped and feel like this was prime time to hear that record.. and the albums have aged so well along with me.. I don’t think if I was 13 now I’d really enjoy Lanas stuff? Feels so heavy in an authentic way.. I enjoy it now because I feel like it’s so relatable lol
  2. Me to the poor beautiful slander. I kinda like the theme of the song too, some of us just are inherently sad girls, leave us be lol
  3. With the XOXO.. everyone knows that’s soooo passive aggressive
  4. If she’s gonna tour she better announce it before April so I know whether or not to put myself through the stress of Glastonbury resale
  5. Wish she wasn’t so elusive.. what does “turn off the rest of our shows” even mean? I would think that would mean stop lol, probably a misunderstanding by me
  6. It’s a shame because I just don’t think it’s the right festival for her. It’s inaccessible to a lot of her of her UK fans, and @glastonburywtf is right, at present, with the GP she doesn’t have the pulling power for main stage Glastonbury, even headlining the other stage might not be what she’s expecting
  7. I really struggle to stream singles as if I just can’t listen to 1 song on repeat.. when the album comes though, that’s when I will dedicate all my time to listening to this one album only Don’t want to overplay the singles to the point I feel like skipping them once the album lands either!
  8. The article also has claimed an insider said she’s upset that she’s an after thought to the all male headliners…
  9. Ofcourse the mirror wrote an article on how she threatened to drop out of the line up.. cue all the Lana hate and “never heard of her” comments on the article
  10. I think the pink one seems to be harder to get hold of, so probably that one!
  11. In all seriousness RE: the album campaign.. something has to be happening soon, surely? the record seems to at least promote their other artists, so if they’ve made a point of saying there’s an album campaign.. there just must be something?? There’s less than 3 weeks to go now and we’ve had nothing, it’s a bit laughable now
  12. Would it be selfish of me to hope she cancels glasto and just do a handful of shows instead I think just let your fans see you, rather than do a show notoriously hard to get tickets for.. I’m tempted to try and get tickets in the resale but for me and husband £700 to just see Lana (have zero interest in the other acts).. seems excessive.. still would probs do it tho
  13. I’ve not listened, but from reading the spoiler tags.. I think what she means by this not being “world building” is that it’s raw and authentic, being vulnerable and putting herself out there for everybody to see World building to me, meant she was creating an image of herself- not necessarily perfect- but not authentic. She was only allowing people to see what she wanted. When she said she wanted things to be perfect.. I don’t think she was referring to production but more like, she wanted to put music out there that didn’t make people scratch too far beneath the surface- hence nobody really knew too much about her strained relationship with her mother until much more recently.. and then from A&W and the spoiler lyrics I’ve read, there’s a whole lot more we didn’t know about her
  14. Crazy, with the discount it was £99 inc. postage !! Too good not to get!
  15. I wonder if kaiman kazazian might sell limited prints of the album artwork, that would be so cool
  16. I hope so because getting a glasto ticket is nigh on impossible
  17. Her Instagram before had a comment saying they call me lanita.. and it really to me called back to Madonna and her erotica.. alter ego called dita. right then she was openly owning her sexuality.. “being 2 slut”
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