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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. The tracklist letters look fanmade I guess the rest is OK I kinda HATE the back cover for some reason
  2. Light Shower may be going for Spider Webs neck as the worst song in the album… those lyrics and the way her flow is so off… Even if u tried u couldn’t make something sound so off-beat! 0 musicality… the instrumental is also really boring, needs something to spice things up instead of the same guitar chords for 5 minutes Also givin Madonnas Liquid Love in the lyrics, another song about cummin? Is this bitch the same who wrote Training Wheels?
  3. tolerate is the best way to put it! But yes, it’s a shame with such good verses she decided to drop the ball in the chorus… like it’s a completely different song… still a skip! Wish the chorus was better
  4. The pre chorus in Spider Web is actually really good… a shame it’s followed by such horrendous abomination as a beat drop
  5. She’s so pretty… that fucking mask is getting on my nerves! She makes such goofy/funny faces that the alien thing makes things more robotic
  6. I think the video is fine… yall expected too much! By now we know Melanie works certain way (like in The Bakery) why so mad? I mean… is not that bad and even if it’s not avatar level CGI, for what it’s worth
  7. She be becoming Taylor Swift… I see
  8. No, I really like the idea of school for Crybaby (even if it was executed poorly) but in Mad Hatter she resembles a little Crybabies death so… I don’t know! Maybe not literally but more metaphorically by getting more comfortable with her own skin and accepting her “craziness” Also I’m certain the dancers with animal masks are supposed to represent her toys during Crybaby (and specifically in Mad Hatter) I don’t think K-12 was THAT bad and it helped introduce herself to a younger audience ( I must say when I revisited the album I was horrified by those lyrics)
  9. Que video is really cute, better than expected I would have made much more sense as a continuation of Mad Hatter though
  10. do u have another remix of those? I would like to hear it
  11. Portals: 1. Death 5:06 (Album version) 2. Barely Juice 3:50 (Extended fanmade) 3. Nymphology 5:28 4. Tunnel Vision 4:44 (Album version) 5. Faerie Soiree 2:43 (Album version) 6. Dragons Blood 3:33 7. Leeches 5:08 (+Hawaii Space Guitar) 8. Moon Cycle 2:32 (Album version) 9. Garden 3:55 10. Needle & Thread 3:40 11. The Contortionist 4:11 (Extended) 12. Evil 4:06 13. Void 2:57 (Original version) 14. Puzzles 4:02 15. Spider Web 3:06 16. Womb 3:30 imma play this AOTY of the year in my head, multiple Grammys won!
  12. Niiice! Finally she’s givin us something
  13. I will say it, Spider Web is an OK song until that insulting beat drops… it’s like there are two completely different songs… not feeling it, sorry guys
  14. Rose McGowan never fails to make me laugh Everytime Melanie mentions a genital in this album:
  15. Contortionist is a BOP givin Show & Tell
  16. Okay… I may be reaching and It might become a guilty pleasure of mine but I really enjoyed Nymphology… I think is one of the most interesting things she has done so far, is not as repetitive and predictable as Void, Death and Evil and not as awful as Spider Web…. idk
  17. The thing is… as much as I HATE Spider Web and Moon Cycle, they make sense thematically and sonically within the album (all the fairytale, forest and nature themes) but Battle Of The Larynx makes no fucking sense… like, it’s just a “rockier” song that doesn’t fit the album and the lyrics don’t even reference anything mythological or medieval… also, is a horrible song same with Light Shower but at least this one fits a little more… Garden, Dragons Blood, Needle and Thread or even Barely Juice make much more sense thematically!!
  18. What about Nymphology and The Contortionist? I’m just listening to them in recordings and they sound “at least” interesting
  19. just what I said… listening to the “recordings” and I can hear so little of the songs… this fans are the worst I swear… waste of oxigen
  20. Why is Light Shower givin me Katy Perry “Humminbird Heartbeat” with the cravin your sticky sweet (cum) she really inspired by Peacock and all this in the nose sexual references
  21. Really surprised young Crybabies don’t shit their pants from their stupidity… I though with that limited mind process they wouldn’t be able to control their sphincter! curious to see if they are capable of reaching the adult life without forgetting to breath, because that much idiocy… hard to believe its not that hard, you are going to a LISTENING party, not a SHARE YOUR STUPID OPINIONS WHILE THE SONGS PLAY party they need to be put down, they’re clearly in pain… only things they say are “go queen!! You ate and left no crumbs!!! This lowkey a bop (refering to SW 🤮), Mel can’t make a bad song!!) while literally not paying attention to the album!
  22. I can picture them… fishnets, dyed hair and a septum (at least)… also they WONT SHUT THE FUCK UP!! They think someone cares about their opinion, no we don’t, now shut up and sit down so the people who has come here to enjoy the listening can have their time… thanks So obvious their rich parents don’t give them any attention at home cause this kind of behavior (desperate to be the center of attention) is SO CRINGE! I swear I’m starting to hate Crybabies, they are a pain in the ass as a fandom! please someone rip their tongues so they shuñ the fuck up and let the recordings be as decent as possible
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