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Everything posted by Anonymcomenter

  1. then wait 4 more years… this bitch loves a hiatus 👋🏻
  2. The songs I’m coming back most are Tunnel Vision (obvi), Moon Cycle, Nymphology and The Contortionist! the rest is kinda meh Wish we had full HD or reworked versions of Dragons Blood and Garden to add to my album
  3. Florence? U mean the “Just A Girl” cover? and what about Ajayii… am I missing something?
  4. All this songs about “white cis men” or “the patriarchy”… so tired already! This victim mentality has to go already so in my head this will be about a man who loves period sex, period at least the beat slaps Also, love how she tried giving Tunnel Vision a deeper meaning than what it actually has (to all the songs really)… sure Jan she should try not to be that enlightened and pedantic (wtf is that hypnotherapy thing?) because that’s where her lyrics get bad in my opinion. Yet half of the album are diss tracks to Oliver Tree to sound cunty bitch just admit ur angry at the ugly man, we wouldn’t mind a revenge album at all! Gays love conflict… get her Jade! Nothing wrong writting about relatively superficial topics. She’s so afraid of being seen as basic she ends up being just that!
  5. Also the fact she considered scrapping Tunnel Vision…
  6. It’s a bop but this… I- she’s coming for Bebe Rexhas neck as a meme
  7. Okay… I think Womb makes sense better after Death? With Nymphology more towards the end…? Idk 1. Death 2. Womb 3. Dragons Blood 4. Tunnel Vision 5. Faerie Soiree 6. Leeches 7. Spider Web 8. Moon Cycle 9. Garden 10. Needle & Thread 11. The Contortionist 12. Nymphology 13. Void (Original)
  8. Sorry but y’all are delusional… she clearly thinks she ate with this and won’t give us anything else until a year later or so like After School
  9. What has that have to do with anything? if ur tasteless that’s a fact
  10. just don’t if u don’t wanna puke just jk
  11. Spider Web or Moon Cycle (for the lyrics, as a prank or funny bit)
  12. really? I think the production in Moon Cycle has upgraded the song as a whole I was also worried for Tunnel Vision getting reworked but it worked just fine
  13. the way u decided to misquote me with the worst song of the album alongside Light Shower someone should let her know she just ruined her career by not releasing her best song ever (Garden) that’s all
  14. She’s so afraid of success! that why she made Tunnel Vision fucking 4:44 minute long with random sounds, for Spider Web to outstream it
  15. knowing her… add Not Dead, Just Expired she has a tendency to choose the worst songs… Im 200% sure the label forced her to include the only Bop in the album (Tunnel Vision)
  16. She really thinks she did something with those transitions and random sounds… ruin the record
  17. Exactly!! And the verses and pre-chorus are soooo good until that horrible beat drop comes… miss Melanie
  18. Exactly how I feel about Spider Web
  19. I think the thing I love about this song is how clear her vocals sound! It’s not buried in a lot of production or highly modified… also the melody is really cute and nostalgic If only the lyrics were a little less graphic… but at this point I think it adds to the songs campiness… it’s so unserious and funny
  20. Tunnel Vision on the bottom? gurl…
  21. I said “Baby boy u know im on my period” givin come little wolf bite this bloody pussy while the moon is full whyyy did she had to make the period song so catchy
  22. At this point asking for a deluxe is kind of an addiction to pain… like we didn’t have enough with just the standard
  23. Sooooo…. No deluxe?
  24. Also be careful with Light Shower… u might fall asleep
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