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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. i love LFA but at this point the song is old i'd rather she re-released yayo again and actually did the aka version justice this time lol
  2. let me know if you find the hardcover book somewhere! the audiobook already has three entries on bengans' website (cd, vinyl, cassette - you probably already saw them since this post is two days old tbf ), so at least there's that lmao i just checked akademibokhandeln, adlibris and bokus - nothing yet, but in fairness the announcement was only a couple of hours ago and it's only 6am here
  3. idk, you bring up Jennifer Hudson and Adele as examples, both of whom had been big girls for a relatively long time (which of course exacerbates the health risks associated with being overweight) whereas lana has always been skinty and honestly still is, relatively speaking - she has just put on some weight recently with all due respect, i'm not sure that's a valid comparison
  4. just looking at her in that video is like an acid trip in the best way lmao, between the lashes, the 2006 hair and that cursed shirt
  5. wait, when did this happen? i went on spotify to check and there's literally 2 versions of the paradise edition on there now, one with BD and one without
  6. They would refer to the lead single by name if it was real - the way this is phrased is incredibly awkward lmao...
  7. reverse image searching on google now since i did y'all a favor can someone leak beach boys, bikini gold, greenwich acid, neon palmmm & star lux
  8. click through here https://www.reddit.com/r/lanadelrey/comments/hgrh4y/thought_id_share_this/ x EDIT: so the back cover is fake and presumably the rest too then: http://www.freeimages.co.uk/galleries/buildings/themepark/slides/big_dipper_tracks.htm
  9. it's all fucking happening skljdfhjkds reycists rise up i think the lyrics are real tbh, no way someone would put in that much effort without accidentally leaning on a lyrical cliché from like 2012 (as opposed to a more current turn of phrase, of which there are a few) and outing themselves that way dno about the album (back) cover though, but i mean who knows
  10. that IG clip in the sepia is giving me EVERYTHING i've ever needed from this woman like are u fucking kidding me how is one person this beautiful
  11. That's fair, but I think part of reading Lolita is going through that phase of romanticizing it - because the way Nabokov writes Humbert as a character is incredibly compelling (because Humbert is a manipulative piece of shit and Nabokov has a ridiculous gift for prose). (and I think the 1997 movie, with the way it was framed more than anything, tried to be similarly deceptive, and was arguably more successful than the book in that regard - the saying is "read between the lines," after all, not "see") At least, speaking for myself, in several instances I was just thinking "okay, but can you leave this poor girl alone and come swoop me off my feet instead?" Which, of course - Humbert's a pedophile, and I was 17 or so when I read the book, Methuselah teas, so that wouldn't have worked out. Then again, I had to read the book at intervals, because it would physically stress me out, and I cried through several chapters, lmao.
  12. ^ tbf, the 1962 film - which i will grant you was a lot tamer - starred a then-14-year-old sue lyon (rip) as well, and fwiw, in the 1997 film they used body doubles for anything more "involved" than a hug + dominique swain's mother was present on set as i recall i love that we're now at the part in 2020 where people on twitter are cancelled for enjoying classic literature, anyway
  13. this would be SUCH a serve his butterflies are in a golden cage, safe and bound / he puts on "lola" by the kinks and he dances 'round and he's so happy that his feet don't even touch the ground / and i'm in love 'cause i was lost and now i'm finally found
  14. LANA DEL REY A.K.A. LIZZY GRANT 2020!!!!!!!!!
  15. if she wants to get rid of everything so desperately, she can give it all to me for free you're welcome
  16. isn't that literally a theatre cig anyway, or is it just unlit
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