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Platinum Greenwich

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Everything posted by Platinum Greenwich

  1. people are especially hung up on the donation links, which i don't understand, maybe this is me being cynical but like, do you seriously think the majority of donation links on twitter and wherever else rn weren't just shared for performative reasons? unfortunately, i think when it comes to situations like the one we're in rn, which is incredibly volatile - all of the positive change is going to come from a grassroots level, not fucking lady gaga posting a bitly link or whatever even if she donated - which, in gaga's case, i would be surprised if she hadn't - or each and every one of her followers donated because of her post the changes that need to happen are systemic, and while i understand the need for material reparations at this moment, the overemphasis on donations as if they're going to fix the cause of the riots worries me i'm glad for every donation made that will go towards the survival of the movement under these extreme circumstances, but idk, i guess the longer they can go on, the quicker we will see a difference - because the grassroots shit clearly hasn't been working, but the rioting on the other hand forces us to pay attention basically i don't know what i'm talking about, but what else is new /possibly a dumb take, take me 'cos i'm ready to be crucified
  2. i find it very funny when ppl take a swipe at the ddlg aesthetics she was known for back in 2012 - as if they are at all relevant to where she is currently in her career or otherwise nearly a full decade later lmao whatever makes them feel they did something i guess
  3. man... i was gonna be like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l38vwPSyAGk but then obv she had to include that fucking video at the end @@Mafiosa where did she condemn them?
  4. Bengans on Drottninggatan, the only record shop I know of here in Stockholm that carries new releases
  5. went out to get my physical copies today but they're not getting them until next week, delayed shipment apparently the heterosexuality of it all
  6. i caved and listened to Babylon i love it, like i get what it's going for 100% and it's a serve, but i want to hear the demo/snippets in HQ bc that instrumental was so much more compelling
  7. all the d*ree links to them + love me right are fake, so no, not afaik
  8. every single day, yeah i dig a grave and then i sit inside it wondering if i'll behave it's a game i play, and i hate to say you're the worst thing and the best thing that's happened to me
  9. i hate the final ver of free woman but on the OTHER HAND REPLAY IS THAT SONG OH MY GODDDDDDD i'm saving chromatica iii and onward for when i can get my hands on sine from above and 1000 doves but uhhhhh so far? album of the year until lana gives us COCC faves so far are replay and 911, alice comes a close third, then enigma not a huge fan of fun tonight or plastic doll, they're cute tho sour candy is definitely gonna be a single, it's incredibly basic but i will admit i was involuntarily twerking in my seat, it's a catwalk vibe BUT I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF REPLAY YOU GUYS
  10. edit: this is incredibly off topic and i'm sorry lol, just needed to get this off my chest i'm not aware of that story in particular - but swedish feminists tend to have a general preoccupation with wokeness, which is decidedly to the detriment of the core pursuit of feminism like, 'cuz it's hard to lobby for gender equality when a person of color does something problematic - and then you're stuck in this catch 22 of not being able to criticize them, because you will most likely be seen by your peers as a bad faith actor who just wants to express a racist bias, if you do (the wokescolding is real over here, you guys, and it's painful to watch) we've ended up in a stalemate hence, where the comfortable answer to everything is "white man bad" (which, don't get me wrong, i wholeheartedly agree with that notion lmao) and anything that happens to involve POC is broadly glossed over and like, the intent of that is to avoid infighting as best we can, fair enough, but then you've got the far right type ppl who will jump at any chance to express a genuine racist bias - and they do, successfully framing it as though they care about women's rights, even though they clearly don't, because they would never address a white person being problematic and because people buy into all of that, swedish feminism is seen as effete (which is entirely the movement's own fault, as noted) while right wing groups are seen as actually progressive which is just so fucking, upside down, inside out, head up the ass like, you know leftist twitter? that's basically irl swedish feminism just to summarize it as briefly as i can
  11. i was under the impression that zara larsson at least self-identified as a feminist, though? i mean, she's received plenty of recognition from swedish women's rights organizations (though i would argue that the common swedish take on feminism is woefully impotent) anyway... @@bored ah, well, no surprise there - i don't strictly disagree with her, tbf
  12. gave the poem a listen, this bitch just made me cry good for her
  13. i accidentally pinched myself on my headphones and this is still happening truly a nightmare
  14. one more fucking thing, idk why this has got me so heated anyway but lana's energy is clearly rubbing off on me what is the demand for an apology, if not a masturbatory abuse of the very idea of forgiveness, making it a pointless pursuit if it were at all in good faith to begin with? nobody wants her to apologize so they can move on - they want her to apologize so that her apology can be deconstructed and something else that needs addressing can be derived from it because nothing is ever fucking good enough when you live your whole life according to principles that change with the weather (like how everyone's a fucking LGBT ally now, because if you aren't, you don't get to go to Pride and throw a party - at least not without having to question the integrity of your character, but that's tantamount to looking at yourself in the mirror, so instead we'll just tolerate the dykes and faggots for what they can give us in return, making us feel good about ourselves) i was on tumblr for nearly a decade, i've seen this cyclical shit way too many times before it is so incredibly disingenuous about as deranged as Lana herself standing her ground when there are this many people desperate to watch her burn, piling the tinder up beneath her feet I hate to see her do this to herself, that's all
  15. i have a thunderous headache and am going to bed, it's 5am here anyway praying she hasn't fucking killed herself when i wake up
  16. jeeeeesus fuckening christ i'm not saying it was wrong of anyone to bring up the implications of her initial statement, because they were there and they were uncomfortable and they certainly needed a space within which to be discussed freely but of course the internet had to turn it into a fucking witch hunt and send the poor woman into a spiral knowing full well that was exactly what was gonna happen and they love to see it, because cancel culture is all about making yourself look better than literally anyone else, collecting your fucking woke points because you literally have no other means to a moral compass than what someone else tells you is correct because everything is either right or wrong, black or white (no pun intended, fuck sake), right? ... right? my good god, i hate people - or, to be clear, i hate what the internet allows people to indulge within themselves, a complete lack of consequential thought or genuine concern (fucking lol) because all they care about is looking good to others it just reminds me that there are very many people who are every bit as fragile as lana, but for different reasons and, i don't want to be insensitive, but fragility infuriates me you kind of have to exist in the real world too, at some point, eventually - and it's clear that lana hasn't, and this is where that's left her this moralistic larping happening on the other side of the fence, too, is so far removed from reality - it's actually mindboggling to me that people sincerely adhere to it these are the same types of people who will unironically claim neo-pronouns in real life (and i say this as a non-binary sjw myself, like, for real though)
  17. tbh at this point i'm waiting for the locals to find out about Boarding School, truly her most problematic song lmao COME ON, DATE A TOWNIE - LET HIS TATTOOED ASS BEAT YA!! i'm a faaan of the pro-ana nation~
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