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sadness is a butterfly

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Everything posted by sadness is a butterfly

  1. She irritates me so much 😭. YouTube is always suggesting her to me. Can’t even get through the spoken intro to Sirens without 4 pauses and a monologue 😭 But she knows what’s up, ‘why is this unreleased’ exactly Edit: ‘this and Orange Juice are her best songs’ . Said no one ever.
  2. Yeah there’s definitely something going on with the mixing, but I can’t quite tell if it’s intentional. I went to the listening party, and even with a crowd, Evil sounded really off to me from the first time I heard it. It seems more present in the verses than the chorus, which again leads me to believe it was a stylist choice. As for her ‘buried’ vocals I think it’s something similar. Lots of different effects used on different songs. She did pretty much work with one producer on this (aside from TV, but that’s a whole discussion pages ago). He is someone she has worked with some before (Pity Party, Cake, etc), but never as much as she did on this record. Perhaps his technique is somewhat different. One Love was truly her best producer. I’ll blame CJ Baran
  3. You know I’m really curious what TV would sound like with the terrible second outro removed and after the ‘crossing my heart’ part, a repeat of the chorus. I might have to try to do that.
  4. Tunnel Vision making it to #5 on my top listened tracks for March in 24 hours iktr Death at #3
  5. I’ve watched a few reaction videos on YouTube and TikTok and literally no one has put TV in their top 5…likeeeee
  6. @AtomicMess We DID ask for this didn’t we An entertaining read, as promised. (I think you like PORTALS more than you let on )
  7. Tunnel Vision, Evil, and Womb
  8. The US version of the splatter is definitely disappointing compared the EU one it doesn’t even look pink (neither one honestly) hopefully looks more pink in person.
  9. I hope you’re not going anywhere yet! But 💕 all of you girls gays and theys here in our little corner of LB. You all have made this pre release even more special
  10. She said something about it being about the people in LA where she lives. Coloringbooks posted all the info Melanie posted about the songs in here yesterday. Where have you seen pics? Lemme look on Discogs there’s probably some there.
  11. Lmfao I guess for $9 we’ll see what it is.
  12. it’s just a CD though…what could they fuck up 😂
  13. Girl that just means we aren’t going to get out of this era or see another album for years…which frankly wbk But it does give her a lot of time to release more of the other leaks
  14. oh no…the vinyl? What kinda player are you using? I cannot imagine they sped it up to fit on one disc but then again…..I can’t believe a lot of things this era
  15. I’m very interested in seeing the Glitter Boy edited tracklist . FS transitions very well into Sirens or N&T with the water sounds, but that’s if you leave the awful outro on FS…
  16. I love this guy’s reactions, very genuine. Plus he’s cute.
  17. 1. DEATH 2. VOID 3. TUNNEL VISION 4. FAERIE SOIREE 5. SIRENS 6. LEECHES 7. BATTLE OF THE LARYNX 8. THE CONTORTIONIST 9. MOON CYCLE 10.GARDEN 11. SYNCHRONICITIES 12. EVIL 13. NEEDLE AND THREAD Deluxe 14. DRAGONS BLOOD 15.FINGERS CROSSED 16.WOMB Ran through this playlist a few times today and I love it Moved Garden and Synchronicities (shame that one is more demo sounding, but it seems very honest that way). The transitions all work pretty well too. 10/10
  18. someone ask about N&T and Garden immediately edit: someone said he liked all the comments
  19. Is CJ in the room with us now
  20. Does Tunnel Vision use a Phrygian chord progression? It has a bit of the vibe of ‘Unholy’, but is everything Unholy is not (clever, well written).
  21. According to what she said, N&T was never considered for being the closer, that was always going to be a song called Womb. I get her thought process there, but N&T is a killer closer (maybe a good deluxe closer ) The K&OL erasure makes me feel like she wanted them to not get compensated on released material as repercussions for the leaks. TV may have been the compromise for some sort of deal they had to make some kind of money off the project, but she didn’t want to give them any more than she had to. That’s my best guess. I see Kinetics shared Melanie’s post saying the album was out on his story. Nice of him considering no one else mentioned them in their posts. Absolutely nothing on One Love’s Instagram.
  22. I don’t think it’s a song for song replacement type thing, I think in a way she started fresh and then pieced back in some that she wanted to include. Tbh none of the songs on the final album give the energy that either of those songs have.
  23. The whole process here is really as fascinating as it is frustrating. I’d love to hear more of the complete story some day, but it won’t come from Mel most likely. K&OL need to spill
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