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sadness is a butterfly

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Everything posted by sadness is a butterfly

  1. We’ll never know if there was a finalized track list prior to her deciding for whatever reason to redo this album, in my opinion Sirens, Garden, and Needle and Thread were finished songs that were intended for the album. They are very polished in the state they were leaked.
  2. I’d be interested to hear more of her work with Omer, Womb has a different vibe than most of what she’s put out before.
  3. I’m going to say the following songs replaced leaks: Death (obviously), Void (obviously), BOTL, Nymphology, The Contortionist, Spider Web, Evil That leaves five songs that were not rewrites, in their place I’d guess: Sirens, Garden, Needle and Thread, Dragons Blood, and maybe Synchronicities Songs always intended for the album: Tunnel Vision, Faerie Soiree, Light Shower, Leeches, Moon Cycle, Womb
  4. It’s weird to me that she’s performed Tunnel Vision in every live performance leading up to this release, you’d think she really liked it or something, then she makes two sassy remarks in the live performances about people knowing the words, and then when asked to talk about the song for Apple she brings up the fact that it leaked again and how much she wanted to ‘trash it’! It was also heavily used in the promo clips, including the literal album announcement.
  5. Oh thanks, that makes sense! Thats sad. Something must have gone down with them. I get not wanting to work with the same producer forever, but they really helped her become the artist she is during the CB era, and they have something special when they make music together.
  6. I wonder if she was some how obligated to include one song with them or something? I mean they spent all that time in Hawaii, to use nothing at all. Like you said before it’s surprising the other leaks don’t have either of them credited on them at all. I feel like maybe the label insisted or maybe she had a deal with K&OL for at least one song and she’s salty about having to include it. Pretty much putting any hopes to rest that there’s any leaks on a possible Deluxe, MAYBE one song (my bet would be Dragons Blood with all the dragon visuals, or Garden since there are so many Garden references).
  7. The more she talks about the album the less I like it . Why is she acting like Tunnel Vision is the only leaked song on the album? She’s got tons to say about Moon Cycle, Faerie Soiree, and Leeches, but TV she’s like well I couldn’t write a better song so it stayed She really hates K&OL for some reason. Someone needs to tell her she makes her best music with them. I would have never guessed the theme was about death and the space in between or whatever if she didn’t say so. The only songs that seem remotely tied to that concept are Death, Void, Leeches, and Womb. Tunnel Vision, Moon Cycle, The Contortionist have no meaning like that at all that I can tell. Spider Web is about people being addicted to their phones for gods sake All that said, I genuinely like the album. It’s not as good as it could have been, but I like it. I’m just going to enjoy it for the music, but her explanations of things make me shake my head, as do the visuals.
  8. Im 100% sure it is actually
  9. Yep I am happy with my self made deluxe version
  10. Evil is the hit she wants Void to be
  11. All the lyrics on Spotify already
  12. Anyway Melanie X Jack Antonoff when?
  13. UPS or USPS? UPS gave me a weird message when it was just the label generated, I’d give it a day.
  14. They way she said she blew out her vocals recording Evil. I fear she is still recovering
  15. @hotshot2am such a legend we don’t deserve you I ordered the titty ringer T. It went though, we’ll see if it gets canceled
  16. it’s true babe. coloring books posted them all earlier. It’s from Apple Music
  17. far from perfect but I actually enjoy this edit https://on.soundcloud.com/jn3H3wzkzLCQUe647
  18. I think N&T, Garden, and Sirens would fit pretty well. We aren’t talking Amir a very cohesive album to begin with here But yeah there are SO many Garden references.
  19. She really said fuck Tunnel Vision
  20. exactly her 3 am edition Realistically I think we get deluxe/EP with the movie in a year
  21. Ty I am saving it this time
  22. I’ll look back through the thread
  23. Anyone have a source for OG files for the scrapped songs: N&T, Sirens, Garden, Fingers Crossed, Dragons Blood, Synchronicities, old Death, old Void? I have a fan made edit of Magnets I’m gonna use.
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