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sadness is a butterfly

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Everything posted by sadness is a butterfly

  1. Thanks I got it all set up!
  2. Hi girls are there any free options for the VPN that work alright? I’ve literally never tried it. iOS and Spotify user if it matters xo
  3. Leak Tunnel Vision HQ dot mp3 now
  4. When. You. Are-int. Around. I. Sinkintothe. Ground. I. Try to. Pre-tend. I’m closer to yew. Now. i love this part
  5. I loved the nature sounds soooo much. RIP
  6. She said the Void video will take a little while yet (so probably not out with release). I wonder how many/which songs will get videos before the movie (Tunnel Vision? )
  7. LQ leaked last week after the listening party but no, just a new single today (Void).
  8. Womb has electric guitar and is very up tempo
  9. Portals sounds nothing like K-12 (except maybe The Contortionist). She went in a different direction and while some of the songs maintain their cringe factor, that’s just Melanie. I think the album contains most of what makes her sound uniquely her, but is a departure from the overdone theme of the last two albums. Do you guys wanna hear more songs with the twinkly jack in the box sounds effects? Portals 1.0 was vastly better than the final version of Portals, but it still bodies K-12. I think there was a combination of redoing music after the leaks and also some issue with Kinetics and One Love, whether that meant she didn’t like the sound they came up with together, or that they had some personal disagreement. She must have known Tunnel Vision was too good as/is to leave it off the final album.
  10. K-12 found dead in a ditch after Portals (even if it not as could as it could have been), it’s true
  11. I REALLY liked BOTL at the listening party, give her another chance in HQ
  12. VOID is alright, it is my least favorite of the Evil, BOTL, Void trio. I like the cymbals in this final version, could go harder though. The intestines lyric and the metal grater lyric are kinda cringe.
  13. The video you shared, those definitely don’t have one, they’re super thin. I’m just wondering if the splatter actually has one.
  14. So I looked at the comments on that TikTok and it seems they the splatter web store version is the only one with a gatefold?
  15. Is it? I looked it up and it said it was 3:30 GMT
  16. He said he got it from Vertigo Vinyl so either they sold it early or it was promo. He’s all “ThE cOnToRtIonIsT iS aMaZiNg!!!!11!1” we know you didn’t listen to it hun Vinyl collector TikTok is annoying because they give zero fucks about quality of pressings, sound, the experience, it’s all about showing different variants on cheap record players for clout and talking about how much their most valuable records sell for on Discogs
  17. It’s 11 am EDT so I thought it was 4pm GMT but daylight savings changed it an hour so it’s only 3pm GMT
  18. I like how that TikTok gay clearly got the vinyl and CD early as promo from Warner and couldn’t even be bothered to show the gatefold or make more than a 15 second video. Also saying it’s giving Cry Baby but dark? Sis have you listened to Cry Baby
  19. The tracking shows it was picked up too but it’s coming from CA and I’m in the Midwest
  20. Yep that bloodshot vinyl looks about as I figured, mostly clear with some very light marbling
  21. I opened TikTok and got like 5 videos about this song and what all the “insiders” confirmed about it (all just stuff posted here) The audio has the LanaBoards notification sound in it at one point
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