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Stoned Mary in the Garden

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Everything posted by Stoned Mary in the Garden

  1. Idk I like it. They both sound great but Lana’s voice sounds better than ever imo. I think it’s super pretty and it’s definitely one of those songs that grows on you
  2. I just popped on… one of you babes please explain this show to me in as few words as possible. Winner gets a love spell
  3. I forgot I’m the only person on lanaboards.com with a job
  4. The way she forgets her songs and we all have basically every song in her catalog (including unrealeased) memorized is hilarious
  5. My girly has worn that dress THRICE. I don’t blame her it looks fire
  6. Okay update, I got proposed to and said yes during the grants. I guess he couldn’t wait LOL
  7. I’m so excited but also nervous… I’ve been to Lana shows before but never a festival and tmi but
  8. I think I’m getting proposed to at this show during video games… gotta go to the 99 cent store and get some nail polish and shit
  9. Do starry eyed, fordham road, or afraid fit into this?
  10. Was this the one that was going to have country roads take me home on it? edit: LMAO or is it take me home country roads? I’m so fucking dumb
  11. That’s exactly why i love her. If she actually tried to please everyone and listen to fans people would complain even more!! You really can’t win in the industry so I’m extremely happy she’s just herself
  12. Yepp!! I watched a cut someone made on YouTube without the bts and it was so fucking good. I wish she would’ve made two separate videos, one with the bts and one without
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