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Stoned Mary in the Garden

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Everything posted by Stoned Mary in the Garden

  1. This performative outrage from fans is so insane lol. A complete waste of time. This isn’t stopping the war I can tell you that much
  2. Also I used to be a Jack hater but none of her other producers could’ve made A&W. I want him to keep working with her. They’re scratching the surface now of the incredible shit they could make together
  3. another hugely unpopular opinion that I have; kintsugi is the best song of her career, and tropico is the best visuals of her career, and both deserve awards, and they would’ve won many if someone more palatable or famous had made them
  4. I’ve tried to listen and see what you mean but i don’t. I don’t hear any hissing or slurring or lisping at all.
  5. Her post abt the sound check- I genuinely love her singing for free alone. It was the highlight of my 2019 Chicago show (along with cinnamon girl) but i really love her singing that song!
  6. I don’t even want to think about it LOL
  7. I think she will. Tbh. She addressed the mesh mask and qftc (Jesus this fandom HAHA we’ve been thru so much) a pretty long time after it happened. Well, like a few weeks. I think she’ll say something. I just hope she’ll say something that makes sense.
  8. I honestly think it’s cute how much she’s trying to build up and show off that artist. I wish Lana would listen to my music and ride that hard for me lol
  9. Okay lol. I did my own research and figured it out and your comment was not helpful at all. You sound literally nuts. Take a deep breath.
  10. Oh that opinion is extremely unpopular I see
  11. I might be ignorant- but does this necessarily make her pro Israel? I feel like it’s a bit broad. The only part that is bad is thanking Joe Biden for leadership (or lack thereof) I’ll be honest though, I’m kind of clueless.
  12. Just thought of another opinion lol fishtail embodies so many eras. AKA, btd, chemtrails, honeymoon, lfl… it gives everything. It’s so charming with the muffled vocals, the heavy production on the chorus, the callback to Jump. I think that song deserved much more love. It’s like the child of all her records. I don’t understand why it isn’t more loved
  13. I don’t understand why everyone thinks she’s saying “chickens running bare feet” it’s so completely obvious she’s listing 3 different things. Chickens, running bare feet, there’s a baby on the way. I don’t know if you all are joking or if you actually think she’s saying the chickens are barefoot LOLL
  14. I like it now suddenly because my mom sent it to me and said she loved it… awww. Okay mom I love it too
  15. Im so glad I didn’t get my hopes up for this LOL but Lana’s part is pretty cute of course
  16. Blue Madonna and god save our young blood are LEAGUES better than any collabs she’s done in recent eras besides ltli and covering buddy’s rendezvous. Her collabs leave a lot to be desired
  17. I’ve always known Lana wasn’t lying about not coming from money because she’s so honest about things that a lot of people would be ashamed to admit. It’s not like she just popped on the scene out of the blue like an industry plant or a Billie Eilish type character. She was always there, and she met the right people. People just didn’t understand how this beautiful vintage starlet singer could come out of the blue with what seemed like instant success. And now that we have a whole new flood of internet raised children becoming fans it’s like 2012 all over again. At least she’s found her voice now to defend herself
  18. Im not excited for this lol. I heard the snippet on the girls insta and it sounds awful
  19. If Lizzy was a man she would’ve made pink cigarette (all of my suggestions are going to be based on vibes and not exactly sound) Hope someone finds a new fav song 💋 when I think of Lizzy, I think of soft rock nostalgia seaside moods
  20. Chuck is really taking my breath away rn look at that hair
  21. Terrence loves you vs French restaurant
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