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Nectar Of The Puss

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Everything posted by Nectar Of The Puss

  1. I would do anything to see the A&W intro live being an Australian is a curse nobody ever comes here THOSE BLOODY SPOILER THINGS WONT GO AWAY
  2. I don’t really see why people can’t travel to other states, I’m driving 10 hours to see Taylor next year so it’s not too hard. I just need to see her and I’m getting impatient so bare with me
  3. Y’all Americans are SO annoying “she’s not coming to my state” WHO CARES Lana hasn’t been to Australia in 6 years I would travel across the country and even to New Zealand to see her SHUT UP. This goes to all y’all West Europeans too. “I Hope she announces more dates for *some place she just went*”PLEASE you just saw her and are already thirsty for more I’m PARCHED
  4. Is there any suspected time I won’t sleep until it comes out
  5. These fucking reporters won’t shut up and show her I can hear her
  7. I am fumin the jacket was delayed till the 2nd June and the bloody necklace and lighter are delayed till the 30th of june. FUMIN I SAY
  8. The ones that she has aren’t for sale anymore, but there are some that look like hers. I would say that this is the closest one to hers. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/1239952203/vintage-style-white-and-pink-heart?click_key=cbeb2228b6d7541a76fdd7f96e8fe84344e7c159%3A1239952203&click_sum=ed7bf430&ref=shop_home_active_4&crt=1
  9. I’m pretty sure they’re for a giveaway but you can buy them from Etsy. The sellers name is AtomicButtercup
  10. So what time is the album coming out? Is it coming out as an album worldwide at the same time? Or each seperate country at seperate times.
  11. If there is a new single I think its gonna be Paris, Texas. Before A&W was released 3 links were activated which were Ocean Blvd, A&W and Paris, Texas.
  12. I'm still holding out for a vinyl boxset because in all the other boxsets with pictures etc they have them in the photo/description and Lana posted the photos that would be in the boxset. I could definitely be wrong tho i just really want a vinyl boxset.
  13. This is could most definitely be wrong but I think that the a&w music video will come on the 16th. The iTunes code for the 16th could be for the mv since at the bottom of an album like blue banisters for example the blue banisters and Arcadia music videos. Someone probably has already said this but I haven’t seen anyone talking about it.
  14. Does anyone know any potential times they’re releasing I’m gonna kms
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