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  1. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by nowornever in Zella Day   
    K guys, I made a new masterpost. IF YOU WANT ME TO SEND IT TO YOU, PLEASE EITHER LIKE THIS POST OR PM ME. I don't want this entire thread to be "OMG can you send it to me??"
    I'll also send it to the people who have previously asked for it.
    It includes everything that @@harmonykorine has, plus Kicker (if you like it, please buy it to support her!), I Lost Track of Time, All These Roads, and a Live album with two acoustic songs, an unreleased song, and a cover.
    If you have any problems, let me know.
    Spoiler  Powered By Love (2009):
    1) Simple Song
    2) Castles
    3) Red Pants
    4) Seasons
    5) Mr. Bird
    6) Brand New Key
    7) Teenage Love
    8) Lights Illusion
    9) Can't Find The Words
    10) Hope For Today   Cynics Vs. Dreamers (2012):
    1) Cynics Vs. Dreamers
    2) No Sleep To Dream
    3) Nobody To Love
    4) Starlight
    5) Take Me Down

    Kicker (2015):
    1) Jerome
    2) High
    3) Ace of Hearts
    4) 1965
    5) East of Eden
    6) Hypnotic
    7) Mustang Kids
    8) The Outlaw Josey Wales
    9) Jameson
    10) Sweet Ophelia
    11) Shadow Preachers
    12) Compass 

    1) Sacrifice (Insurgent Soundtrack)
    2) Seven Nation Army (White Stripes Cover)
    3) I Lost Track Of Time 4) All These Roads ft Sam Martin   Live: 1) Milk & Honey (Live) 2) Time of the Season (Live) 3) Hypnotic (Acoustic) 4) Sweet Ophelia (Acoustic)
  2. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by nowornever in Zella Day   
    I'm working on ripping some of her live songs, and then I'll make an updated masterpost.
  3. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  4. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by NuclearHeart in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I had a lot of fun yesterday, the show was really good (better than last year) and Grimes was amazing!
    The only bad thing was the others. People were so fucking rude and disrespectful. I was in the 5-6rd row until I got pushed to the 3rd row, which is, technically, cool, but I was in a very very uncomfortable position for 20 minutes, stuck between a couple. 
    It was my first and last time in the pit at the Centre Bell, it's too awful.
  5. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Tyler in Charli XCX   
    Saw Charli for the second time this past weekend at Sweetlife Fest and I gotta say, she honestly was the first act there that actually got the crowd going and she absolutely killed it. I stayed behind the buses for a few hours after Marina got offstage, but didn't see either of them (I did see Vicky, Charil's bassist and Banks walking around tho lol). I wonder if Marina and Charli hung out between their sets... they didn't post anything about it.
    On this era, I feel like there are some gems that Charli actually really enjoys doing like Sucker (song), Famous, Doing It, Need UR Luv, and Body of My Own, but I do think she also feels bad about a lot of the other pop stuff like Boom Clap, Die Tonight, the promo wheel of death, etc, etc. I hope she ends this era on a strong note this summer with Need Ur Luv as the last single, and then drops Sucker like its hot like Lana did with UV. Give her a few months to regain her thoughts and what she really wants, and come back feeling happy again with her work.
  6. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Charli XCX   
    how many pages do you reckon before the next album
  7. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by queenbitchpro in Charli XCX   
    anyone who believes that any artist signed to a major label right now has most control over their work is just delusional. the sad truth of the matter is that record labels only care about one thing, and that's our money. if they don't think an album will sell well, they will either reconstruct it with a bunch of generic pop songs or just shelve the album entirely. hence the reason Charli's "punk album" will never see the light of day. after the label saw the success of Boom Clap, they replaced probably half the songs with more radio friendly pop songs, and had the rest revamped to be less punk, more pop. Breaking Up is one of the more punk-sounding songs on the record and I bet you anything that would have been one of the more pop-sounding songs on the punk album. I don't think Charli hates Sucker but I don't think she necessarily likes it either...not most of the album, that is.
    I think if we lived in a world where pop stars had full control over their music, image, creativity, etc. then pop music would be very different today. 
    anywaysssss i'm not gonna pretend PC music isn't the most annoying thing I've ever heard in my life but as long as charli's happy then i'm happy 
  8. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Charli XCX   
    Right?!?!?! Like she literally had psychotic breakdowns in studios working on this album............Like I'm so tired of reading this person write paragraphs about how I'm missing the point because I'm not deluded enough to take everything she and her label says at face value. Fans are entitled to like Sucker, but you have to take into account what her label did and at least admit that the era was not the authentic process it was made out to be. I like Charli a lot and I supported her by buying Sucker but as a fan I can't in good conscious act like this album is something that she wanted or was good for her. I'm excited to see her work with PC Music because I think its another step in the right direction of Charli regaining control over her music, rather than staying stagnant in the world of top 40 pop cranking out album after album, song after song trying to get a hit for her label. I know thats not what Charli wants and dwelling on that is just hurting her in the long run, which is why I'm excited to see the Sucker era on its way out.
  9. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Charli XCX   
    that interview was actually really really good + feels v personal...i laughed so hard at:
    So Charli doesn’t want people to ask whether Sucker was inspired by the Ramones?
    “No! Just fucking Google it! I know I'm not meant to say that but I'm so desperate to move onto the next thing. I believe in albums but they can be digested so quickly. There's no desperation from fans to get hold of a record ‘cause it's all there already and includes a free download of the bonus track.”
    it seems like she's actually being self-aware this time around 
  10. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by drewby in Ryn Weaver   
    her label is getting me a link so I can review the album
  11. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Charli XCX   
    I feel like when I watch her recent interviews that she just is just annoyed with everything and sick of promoting Sucker. idk. Like in that interview about "Diamonds" too she acted like she had to downplay the song as if it were really shit because she wrote it when she was 15. Like girl if you think it's crappy and didn't wanna send Giorgio the acapella then you didn't have to? Unless her label did it without her permission or something I guess. I just can't decide if she's being controlled to do stuff like this or if she's doing it and then being annoyed later.
    Tbh I just keep listening to the 2013 era tracks on repeat (True Romance and all the unreleased and collabs from that time) and find that I like listening to her much more when I pretend Sucker isn't there. I just hate this era. The album is okay and I like it but something just doesn't feel right. It's just so hard for me to buy that THIS is more the real Charli. there's no way.
  12. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Charli XCX   
    Oh my god this is hilarious 
  13. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Charli XCX   
    .............. No. Don't disrespect Halsey like that 
  14. harmonykorine liked a post in a topic by NuclearHeart in Zella Day   
    yay thank you so much!!
  15. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Charli XCX   
    Guys she looks so good here

  16. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by harmonykorine in Zella Day   
    sent it to all of you!! <3
    oh and kicker comes out june 2nd!
  17. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by harmonykorine in Zella Day   
    (Biography copied and shortened from iTunes)
    Los Angeles based singer/songwriter Zella Day blends modern pop with a touch of Western Bohemian flair.
    A native of Arizona, she was raised in small town near Phoenix. Eventually relocating to L.A.
    Zella first came to notice when her 2012 acoustic cover of The White Stripes' song "Seven Nation Army" began
    racking up the hits on Youtube. Soon she adopted a lusher, pop-oriented sound, which led some critics to refer
    to her as a happier sounding Lana Del Rey. (That's a weird comparison, but sure.) Her first single, "Sweet Ophelia"
    arrived in April 2014 and in October of the same year she released her Self-Titled debut EP.
    Her first LP is coming on June 2nd titled "Kicker"
    Which has the 4 songs from her EP + 8 new songs. 
    (Which sadly already leaked)
    Music Videos:
    Her first single "Sweet Ophelia"
    Her second single "Hypnotic"
    Up To Date Discography (as of April 2015):

    Spoiler Cynics Vs. Dreamers (2012):
    1) Cynics Vs. Dreamers
    2) No Sleep To Dream
    3) Nobody To Love
    4) Starlight
    5) Take Me Down

    Kicker (2015):
    1) Jerome
    2) High
    3) Ace of Hearts
    4) 1965
    5) East of Eden*
    6) Hypnotic*
    7) Mustang Kids
    8) The Outlaw Josey Wales
    9) Jameson
    10) Sweet Ophelia*
    11) Shadow Preachers
    12) Compass *
    * = Zella Day / Self-Titled EP (Already Available!)

    1) Sacrifice (Insurgent Soundtrack)
    2) Seven Nation Army (White Stripes Cover)
    3) I Lost Track Of Time (The only song I'm missing)

    Powered By Love (2009):
    1) Simple Song
    2) Castles
    3) Red Pants
    4) Seasons
    5) Mr. Bird
    6) Brand New Key
    7) Teenage Love
    8) Lights Illusion
    9) Can't Find The Words
    10) Hope For Today
    (I changed the album covers on all of them
    except for "Kicker" because they were ugly lol.
    All covers are from coverlandia / @Sculpture on lanaboards!  
    Tumblr,  Youtube,  Twitter,  Instagram,  Facebook
    If you'd like a download link to all her music,
    just let me know and I'll send you:
    Cynics Vs. Dreamers, Self-Titled EP, Other & Powered By Love
    If you want Kicker you can pre-order it here or you can find the leaked version on Google.
    After June 2nd i'll add it to the rest of the downloads! <3
    P.S. This is my first (actual) post on here. So if I did anything wrong,
    or something needs to be fixed PLEASE let me know.
    I'm new to all of this and still trying to figure out how things work.
     ☆ harmony ☆
  18. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by comeintomybedroom in Charli XCX   
    "But whatever, you know what I mean? It's your life isn't it." BITCH!
  19. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Charli XCX   
    i think in our hearts of hearts, we all somewhat stan for it
  20. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Charli XCX   
    kinda unrelated but my mom is currently lowkey stanning for Lucy rn
  21. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Up All Night in Charli XCX   
  22. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Charli XCX   
    Y'all could at least leak the Diamond demo. 
  23. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by National Anthem in Ryn Weaver   
    It is finished! I decided after all the requests to just post the link here. Only one song is a Ryn solo and the others are duets with her castmate from the film (who sounds almost too similar the the lead singer of Mumford & Sons lol).

  24. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by heartbreakhigh in Charli XCX   
    Red Balloon was specifically written for a children's movie. Do people still not understand this?
  25. NuclearHeart liked a post in a topic by Sucker in Charli XCX   
    holy FUCK oh m y OGDOGOD
    haHAHAHaHAAH why even what is this
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