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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. !!LIPSTERS!! my @ on instagram is _.kalico._ i will try to livestream when i can, just need to make sure my phone doesn't die before the end of the show. stay tuned. i am going to try to be saving battery so i won't be on lb much. apologies in advance for any horrible singing or heaven ascension
  3. i will try to livetstream on my instagram if i have the battery. i will let you guys know more come showtime
  4. if i could compare his voice to anyone's, i think it sounds most like benson boone
  5. turns out it was because they charged my card five times and my bank blocked them just bought it again, hopefully the pending charges go away soon
  6. anyone else's order get randomly cancelled? i got the bomber online because it sold out in boston and now my order is cancelled this also goes as a double message for if anyone purchased one they're wanting to sell, please let me know
  7. btw guys the d gate merch stand is running out quick so make it here quickly if you're wanting to purchase stuff outside. the bomber jacket is sold out
  8. this is the shortest merch line i have ever waited in
  9. do you know if it's all of the exclusives or just some pieces?
  10. uhg i really want that bomber jacket hopefully i have a spare $160
  11. anyone seen the exclusive merch being sold outside yet? i had a cart full online but don't wanna pay $11 for shipping if i can just get it there
  12. it's been advertised as "one special night" and is a day before a friday, so many speculate that a new announcement could come today for new music. it's also her first ever stadium show which is a huge milestone!
  13. the font reminds me of what's used for baseball games aka fenway promo. but that would be such a cute font for the album
  14. could lasso acknowledgment actually be coming
  15. oh i hope greedy doesn't take up a spot on the setlist. i kinda hate that song make you mine slaps but there isn't much to perform there
  16. anyone know if they'll stop you for bringing in a sealed water bottle? i looked on the website and it says that sealed bottles 16oz and under are allowed in, but that's literally so small compared to how much i'll be sweating in the first hour. my plan is to bring in a larger planet fitness water bottle and hopefully not be stopped
  17. in my feelings is the perfect song to run to. it's at the top of my workout playlist
  18. that's an adorable idea! lipster friendship bracelets and meet up
  19. now i feel like it's mandatory for lana to bring heroin out of retirement so we can scream the bridge together
  20. Augustine

    Melanie Martinez

    what an amazing show. if you can get tickets to the trilogy tour, it is worth every penny. the set list, the production, the choreography, the outfits, it's all incredible!! many parts of the show have stuck with me days later, but the part that hit me the most was the slideshow of messages to free palestine while the principal plays in the background. that was powerful. i'm not a huge fan of portals but screaming the lyrics to evil, the contortionist and nymphology was one of the best parts of the show. i didn't take many pictures but here's one i took during alphabet boy:
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