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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    don't waste your time lol. it'll be online and overstocked on shelves a month later
  2. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    she used the picture that i have been using for my anthology playlist on spotify since drop. should've been the original cover
  3. i know that's why i want it played lol
  4. i just got back from the show that they're doing a live recording for i'm so excited for it to come out
  5. i thought she used to follow the original lanaboards instagram account? i could be wrong though
  6. oh this is just mess. can we got back a month where we were happy and stupid
  7. thinking about how batshit my trip here was. it was my first time traveling alone outside of my state and within the first two hours of being there, i lost my hotel reservation i almost had to just sleep on the streets of the city until i found an inn that was able to take me in for the night. then i wandered around the streets of boston for like 8 hours with my ihop pancakes. then the concert almost got cancelled. then lana came on looking beautiful as ever and we got two new songs debuted. i flew home with a higher blood pressure than i came in with, but if i had the chance, i would do it all over again
  8. lana is a poet. even if she stops making music, she will never stop writing. it's a part of her.
  9. all of the is okay. it's part of life. i think she deserves to go live luxiously in peace
  10. she's such a beautiful bride. i am so happy that she is happy. i think i might actually cry
  11. about to buy a place out in the country and leave this world for someone else
  12. shouldn't the point of essentials be to help someone interested in listening delve deeper into one's artistry, not to play the base hits everyone already knows? it would be a disgrace to attach that monstrosity to her name for newer generations to find (ik that's not usually what music services mean when they make these playlists but it's my take on what they should be, to help better understand the artist)
  13. Augustine


  14. yknow what honestly me too, i get her
  15. banned for the south park pfp
  16. sometimes when i take a deep breath it brings up all my sadness
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