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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. wait this actually sounds like something that could happen
  2. Augustine

    Nicki Minaj

    those damn minions are out to get her
  3. Augustine

    Nicki Minaj

    right? like what the fuck kinda question was that...
  4. Augustine

    Nicki Minaj

    sorry but.. no. what we're not going to do is defend his actions and act like he had no control because he was young, or that it's no longer relevant. he was old enough to know what he was doing. your point about not defending assault being hypocritical because this is a lana forum is so incredibly ignorant, especially since everything you mentioned about her is apart of a nearly decade old persona. defend nicki and her sex offender husband all you want but don't act like everyone is gonna side with you because "this is a lana del rey forum." untouchable? we'll see about that.
  5. i keep forgetting how close this is so glad i have you guys to celebrate with if when she wins something. seeing the way lana talked about herself and her music towards the beginning of this era was heartbreaking, and even though grammys are a little fruitless at this point, i feel like receiving one will mean so much to her.
  6. Augustine

    Taylor Swift

    i have been avoiding the subject because it makes me so angry, especially with some of the responses people have been giving online. all i can say is that i hope she drags whoever started it through the mud and buries their ass in legal fees.
  7. thank u lana i've been feeling very unloved lately
  8. come grammy day we better drop this realistic conversation. it is our day for DELUSION. she will win it all
  9. that close?? ohh i'm so ready to either have the celebration or disappointment of a lifetime
  10. this was a big day for the girlies who like to put hearts on literally everything
  11. "I can't help but feel somewhat like my body marred my soul" i think about way too often
  12. do you think i'd really lose it on ya if you did nothing wrong? i love the solemnness. it really embodies that feeling of conversations had after a break up. people are complaining about the lack of instrumentation but i think it works well in this context.
  13. Augustine

    Ariana Grande

    i hope she does more soft songs like pov. from the looks of the covers and name, i think that's what we might be getting but then again, i've been swindled before (looking at you midnights photoshoot)
  14. front and center as she should be coachella didn't want none of the smoke after they saw her take down glastonbury
  15. me who has completely abandoned my identity on here twice trying to snatch a nom for next year (i will end up changing my name again)
  16. oh fuck then i'm sorry. hope she feels better soon
  17. aw thank you! i worked hard on it @Psychedelic Pussy don't worry you had the best outfits in my book
  18. oh no. what happened? edit: i read that as your dog needs to BE put down, please ignore me
  19. i voted you best hybrid and bmd i know you'll pull through with something
  20. leak of the year will be the name of this lipster
  21. i now know how it's feels to lose a grammy.. JUST KIDDING congrats @Elle and @Veinsineon!!!
  22. can you ask him what happened with i got you babe
  23. so happy to be nominated tonight. decided to go as album of the year
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