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Everything posted by racecar

  1. So is there going to be official livestream or not?
  2. oh god... definitely the most random thing of her I guess. I remember that I saw this post immediately after she posted it and I was like mehh... I'm too lazy, I'm not reading that. And a few hours later I am opening the twitter and I am seeing #lana trending with over milion tweets and I was like whaaaat the heeell, what happened????? yeah... that was a very traumatizing experience for all of us
  3. Omg and also that one time she was randomly found on some random Twitch live by person that was doing scavenger hunt or something. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxxytMn/ Lana Del Rey... witch! And then he gave her his name on twitch so she could like follow him and she was like "I can't, I have no memory". it was funny as hell
  4. This video from 2016 on ig. My fav
  5. racecar


    "Welcome To The Opera" Grimes x Anyma June 8th
  6. aw, thank you so much! I guess they had to be really close friends that Lana wrote Living Legend about her. Awesome track, I did not know that Living Legend is about Lana's friend, now it makes more sense for me. I will try to find that information in this live. I was watching it, but I think that I did not pay attention that much when she talked about it. Thank you again!
  7. Huh... I think that this is just how her voice is supposed to sound? I don't hear any struggle in her voice?? I think that this is just the vibe of the song. Have you heard some of the tracks on "Did You Know..."?
  8. I'm laying on a blanket on the beach while listening to this awesome, peaceful track. It's like my favorite kind of dream...... I'm in love with this track so much!
  9. I saw this tiktok (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxfNY14/) and I am wondering now about this. Who was Jane to Lana? What is the background of Living Legend exactly? I am curious af
  10. is it out in NZ? I cannot find it lmao
  11. lmao I just noticed that before performing norman fucking rockwell she was looking for her vape on stage, she's so funny
  12. In 30 minutes it should be available under this link....... my internet ugh
  13. ok I recorded the whole livestream, now I am going to upload this to youtube<3
  14. btw I'm going to record this livestream and put this on youtube
  15. Omg... I forgot how cool it is after these few years to see her at the airport with fans before the concert...
  17. well... my polish iconic Blanka aka bejba was robbed......
  18. racecar

    Charli XCX

    I got in!!!!!!! fuck yeah
  19. I knew that I have seen this film before........
  20. tbh I don't really know how I feel about the concept... I am wating until someone will edit this and connect these professional scenes together but besides that, visuals are GORGEOUS, BREATHTAKING, BEAUTIFUL. It could be one of her best music vidoes EVER.
  21. btw at this point shouldn't we worry more about Candy Necklace music video?? and PURIFY LEAK. Let's manifest that.
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