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Zodiac Dancer

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Everything posted by Zodiac Dancer

  1. I’d never dream of removing 13 serves
  2. Zodiac Dancer


    edit: idk how to delete
  3. omg im in love i need it now
  4. Is this the actual song title?? I need it now
  5. 1. Sunset Blvd 2. ??? 3. Ice Cream 4. Zodiac 5. Millionaire 6. ???
  6. 4. ✅✅✅ 6. ❌❌❌ but dance is in the title
  7. All of these are correct ✅ 🛎️
  8. 🏀 😐😑😐 🖤🪄✨ 🇨🇳🏰 🥥🥧 🕺 💃🏻🚫👀 🍃 here’s a few
  9. No but i was just listening to that song 😭
  10. ding ding ding 🛎️ No that one’s kinda hard and idek if it counts as unreleased (hint hint)
  11. Well Heres another one 🔂➡️
  12. Silly question cuz i’m bored, if yall were to put Say yes to heaven on uv where would you put it?
  13. i’m crying it’s the way we were all tricked into believing something would be coming
  14. I fear Lana will at most make an instagram post with pretty when you cry in the background
  15. Wondering what we’ll get for uv anniversary Not just from Lana (cuz she’ll probably give us nothing) but from the leakers and i wonder if neil will show any outtakes from pale fire shoot or any outtakes from the uv era in general
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