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Without You

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Everything posted by Without You

  1. Without You

    Song vs. Song

    Body Electric vs Million Dollar Man
  2. I have to wait till I get home to watch the MV but I secured that vinyl!
  3. I fucking love it so much the bridge, the outro like omg
  4. I just know those tik tok editors are gonna eat up this MV
  5. Lana’s album or quavos album, Lana’s feature or quavos feature IDC! im just ready to pop some pu$$ to this & light up fireworks RAHHH 🦅🦅
  6. I love the picture but not a fan of the text, it’s kinda giving stranger things
  7. Finally I’ll be able to stream that bridge in HQ
  8. Just realized they played snippets of the MV during the performance I need it NOW
  9. No b*rtender? this is truly a special show!!
  10. I hear “past,future,present” and than something Jesus I need her to perform this and replace b*rtender
  11. Tempted to buy a flag cause that’s all I can afford
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