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About Nicolas377

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  1. actually it's not real 🤓👆 it's a way the Brazilian fandoms on Twitter promote her video against a video that got +350m views on IG with a lot of fake news and decontextualizing about a situation that involves the government here
  2. Brazilian political. She does an incredible job
  3. was it intentional? like omfg, it totally ruined the song, how can they let it that way
  4. I have this one https://krakenfiles.com/view/277KRLxqkh/file.html. I saved in flac when i recorded but it's not lossless. i also found this: https://krakenfiles.com/view/2IhkVJKJwF/file.html online. Even tho it looks to be in a lower bitrate i think it sounds better than the one i record
  5. i thought my ears were crazy bc i always thinking about some weird mastered songs and never saw no one talking about. the bass in ride KILL my ears, maybe it's just me or not even a mastering issue but i hate hate hate how it sounds and also there's to much noise in some tracks like heroin
  6. do ya think that the ultraviolence interlude from 2023 could may be one of those interludes? 🤔 just a random thought that i had
  7. sadd, that live version with drums is so good
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